
Type of Article:  Original

Volume 7; Issue 2.1 (April 2019)

Page No.: 6331-6335

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.423


Apurba Patra 1, Arun Sharma *2, Vishal Malhotra 3.

1 Assistant Professor Department Of Anatomy, Dr. Radhakrishnan Government Medical College, Hamirpur, India.

*2 Demonstrator Department Of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Sec 32, Chandigarh, India.

3 Senior Resident Department Of Spm And Biostatistics, Government Medical College, Patiala India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Arun Sharma, Demonstrator Department Of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Sec 32, Chandigarh, India. Phone No: +91-7973126936  E-Mail: arun.gmc@gmail.com


Introduction: There is no uniformity in published works regarding the presence of sexual dimorphism in the morphology of the Corpus Callosum (CC), specifically splenium.

Objective: The present study was conducted on formalin fixed preserved brains to get comprehensive data regarding gender related differences of CC.

Materials and Methods: 50 formalin fixed human brains without apparent neuropathology were cut in the midsagittal plane. The various morphometric features of CC were measured and recorded on these midsagittal sections.

The diameters measured were: (i) length of CC (AB), (ii) Width of body of CC at mid point (WBM), (iii) Maximum width of genu (AE), (iv) Maximum width of splenium (BD).

Results: Mean values of two parameters (AB and AE) were greater in male than in female. However, 2 parameters (WMB and BD) had greater value in female than male. Only two parameters (AB and BD) showed statistically significant (p value < 0.05) gender differences.

Conclusion: significant sexual dimorphism was observed in the longitudinal length of the CC, including morphology of the splenium. However, these gender related differences are more likely due to individual differences regardless of sex.

Key words:  Cerebral Hemisphere, Morphology, Sexual Dimorphism, Splenium.


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Cite this article: Apurba Patra, Arun Sharma, Vishal Malhotra. SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN SPLENIAL MORPHOLOGY: A CADAVERIC STUDY. Int J Anat Res 2019;7(2.1):6331-6335. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2018.423