
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 7; Issue 4.2 (November 2019)

Page No.: 7101-7104

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2019.314


Kumari Savita *1, Tuli Anita 2, Agarwal Sneh 3.

*1 Ex -Senior Resident, Lady Harding Medical college, New Delhi, India.

2 Director professor & Ex-Head, Department of anatomy Lady Harding Medical college, New Delhi, India.

3 Director professor & Head, Department of anatomy Lady Harding Medical college, New Delhi, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Savita Kumari, Ex -Senior Resident, Lady Harding Medical college, New Delhi 110070  Mobile no – 9741308200. E-Mail: savdev08@gmail.com


Background: Plantaris is small fusiform muscle, with its long, slender tendon. Actually it’s a vestigial muscle in human beings hence its rupture does not result in any significant loss of function. Muscle tear associated with bleeding and swelling leads to a posterior compartment syndrome. It can mimic other serious conditions like DVT, ruptured baker’s cyst and calf neoplasms.

The present study aims to find out the various patterns of proximal and distal attachment of plantaris muscle, which will help the clinician deciding in diagnosis and the plastic & orthopaedic surgeons for different types of reconstructive surgeries.

Materials and Methods: Forty-eight limbs from 24 embalmed cadavers of known sex(male) & age (40-75 years) were dissected in the department of anatomy of Lady Harding medical college, New Delhi during 2016-2017. Plantaris muscle identified with its proximal and distal attachment. Length of muscle belly & tendon were recorded.

Result: In the present study out of 48 limbs specimens, Plantaris muscle was absent in 12.5%. Its proximal attachment to lateral supracondylar ridges observed in 29% & with lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle & fibrous capsule in 58.3%. Its distal attachment deep to tendocalcaneus was noted in 25% and superficial to tendocalcaneus in 62.4%. Length of muscle belly was 7- 9 cm in 37% and tendon length was 34- 36cm in 37.5%.

Conclusion: The Morphological aspects of the attachment of plantaris play a significant role in the Pathologies associated with Calf & knee region. Their exact attachment is importance for reconstructive surgeries to the repair of ankle joint injury and flexor tendon replacement in hand.

Key words: Plantaris Muscle, Morphology, Fusiform muscle.


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Cite this article: Kumari Savita, Tuli Anita, Agarwal Sneh. MORPHOLOGY OF PLANTARIS LONGUS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ITS CLINICAL IMPORTANCE. Int J Anat Res 2019;7(4.2):7101-7104. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2019.314