
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 1 (January 2017)

Page No.: 3451-3456

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.505


Ashwini C Appaji *1, Murali Mohan 2, Roopa Kulkarni 3, R N Kulkarni 4.

*1 Associate professor of Anatomy, M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

2 Consultant Neurosurgeon, Sparsh Hospitals, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

3 Principal, Professor of Anatomy, K V G Medical College, Sulia, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, India.

4 Professor of Anatomy (Retired), M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Ashwini C Appaji, Associate Professor of Anatomy, M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore 560054, Karnataka, India. E-Mail: ashwinishivaprasad@gmail.com


Background: Vein of Labbe is the major inferior anastomotic channel that connects the middle cerebral vein to the transverse sinus. It drains most of the temporal lobe and is clinically very important as injury to this vein would result in venous infarct of the temporal and parts of parietal lobe leading to not only functional deficits such as aphasia, memory and cognitive dysfunction but also can result in life threatening brain swelling.

Materials and Methods: 64 anatomical formalin embalmed cadaveric specimens of the head were used for the study. The pattern of formation, the number, course, dominance, relationships and the pattern of termination were noted.

Results: The vein of Labbe had a variable course on the lateral surface of the temporal lobe. It drained into the transverse sinus commonly in the area of pre-occipital notch. The vein of Trolard was prominent in 70.5% of specimen and the vein of Labbe was prominent in 14.7% and both were equidominant in 14.7%. The variation in vein of Labbe noted was a dural course before draining into the transverse sinus.

Conclusion: The vein of Labbe is a constant vein present on the supero-lateral surface of the cerebral hemispheres. The variability of the course of vein through the dura and its drainage into transverse sinus at variable sites and other nearby sinuses indicates its vulnerability to injury during various craniotomy procedures, hence the anatomical knowledge of the vein of Labbe is of utmost importance for the Neurosurgeon to plan safe surgical approaches.

Key words: Vein Of Labbe, Inferior Anastomotic Vein, Temporal Lobectomy.


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Cite this article: Ashwini C Appaji, Murali Mohan, Roopa Kulkarni, R N Kulkarni. ANATOMY OF THE VEIN OF LABBE: A CADAVERIC STUDY. Int J Anat Res 2017;5(1):3451-3456. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.505