
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 9; Issue 2.1 (April 2021)

Page No.: 7948-7954

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2021.115

Comparative Histological study of Normal human placentae with Hypertensive placentae in Western part of Tamilnadu state (Kongunadu region)

Vijaianand M *1, Geeta Anasuya D 2, Sheela  Grace Jeevamani 3, Sutha S 4.

*1 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, KMCH Institute of Health Sciences and Research, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, KMCH Institute of Health Sciences and Research, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

3 Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, KMCH Institute of Health Sciences and Research, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, KMCH Institute of Health Sciences and Research, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Vijaianand M, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, KMCH Institute of Health Sciences and Research, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. E-Mail: dr.vijaitarun7474@gmail.com


Background: Placenta forms an intimate bonding between the mother and the foetus. Apart from gaseous exchange, transport of nutrients from the mother to the foetus, any disease or disorder affecting the mother also reflects the foetus. Hypertension during antenatal period produces maternal vasospasm and vascular damage due to luminal constriction of uterine spiral arterioles  causing histological changes in the placenta and ultimately leads to foetal hypoxia and death.

Aim of the study: To compare the histological features between the normal and hypertensive placenta.

Materials and Methods: 30 normal and 30 hypertensive placentae were collected, processed in the Department of Anatomy, Karpagam Faculty of Medical  Sciences and  Research, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, and visualized under a light microscope and their histological features are noted.

Results: Various histological features obtained are Syncytial knots, Fibrinoid necrosis, Calcification of Placenta, Placental infarction, Stromal fibrosis, Hypovascularity of  Villous, Intervillous fibrin deposition, and Basement membrane thickening.

 Conclusion: In our study, the histological features are more prominent and their areas in the microscopic field is noted more in hypertensive placentae than normal placentae. Histological features are mainly due to maternal vasospasm and vascular endothelial injury. The statistical analysis calculated for the histological features was found to be significant.

Key words: Placenta, Hypertension, Histology, Syncytial knots, Calcification.


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Cite this article: Vijaianand M, Geeta Anasuya D, Sheela Grace Jeevamani, Sutha S. Comparative Histological study of Normal human placentae with Hypertensive placentae in Western part of Tamilnadu state (Kongunadu region). Int J Anat Res 2021;9(2.1):7948-7954. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2021.115