
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 6; Issue 3.3 (Septmber 2018)

Page No.: 5643-5646

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.300


Siri.A.M 1, Ravikumar *2.

1 Professor, Department of Anatomy, SUIMS. & R.C. Purle, Shimoga, Karnataka, India.

*2 Professor & HOD, Department of Anatomy, SUIMS. & R.C. Purle, Shimoga, Karnataka, India.

Address  for  Correspondence: Dr. Ravikumar, Professor & HOD, Department Of Anatomy, Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, NH –13, Holehonnur Road, Purle, Shimoga, Karnataka, India-577222. PH :   09844427990, 09743491930.

E-Mail: drravikumar.rk79@gmail.com


The adult  human lungs are  two in number, the  right &  left lungs  which  are  concerned  with  the  aeration and  exchange of gases. The right lung is comparatively larger & heavier and has 2 fissures oblique fissure & horizontal fissure & has 3 lobes in it. The left lung is longer & has only 1 fissure in it with 2 lobes.

The present study was done on adult lungs in the Dept. of Anatomy SUIMS & R.C. Shimoga where only the oblique fissure was seen and horizontal fissure were missing in 7 out of 40 right lungs studied. Incomplete horizontal fissures were in 3 right lungs out of 40. Accessory fissure was seen in 1 specimen of right lung. Accessory fissures were seen in 3 out of 40 left lungs studied. The presence of normal fissures in lung will help in proper expansion of   lungs & also helps in localising the lesions to specific areas in the lungs. Incidence of absence of fissures in lungs varies from one geographical region to other region and is variable with the samples collected by different workers for the study.

The incomplete fissures when present give a atypical appearance of the pleural effusion and may also alter the usual patterns of collapse of the  lungs. The knowledge of such absence or incomplete fissures in lungs is helpful for anatomists, radiologists and surgeons operating on lungs during lobar resections of the lung.

Key words:  Fissures Of Lung, Absence Of Fissures, Incomplete Fissure, Lobectomy Of Lung.


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Cite this article: Siri.A.M, Ravikumar. STUDY OF MORPHOLOGY OF FISSURES OF LUNG IN CENTRAL KARNATAKA REGION. Int J Anat Res 2018;6(3.3):5643-5646. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2018.300