
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 6; Issue 4.1 (October 2018)

Page No.: 5765-5771

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.338


Jayanta Kumar Sarkar 1, Turlika Sinha *2, Abhishek Das 3, Bijon Chandra Dutta 4.

1,*2 Associate professor of Anatomy, Silchar Medical College, P.O.: Ghungoor, Silchar, Cachar, Assam, India.

3 Assistant professor of Radiology, Silchar Medical College, Silchar, Cachar, Assam, India.

4 Professor & Head of Anatomy, Silchar Medical College, P.O.: Ghungoor, Silchar, Cachar, Assam, India.

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Turlika Sinha, Associate professor of Anatomy, Silchar Medical College, P.O.: Ghungoor, Silchar-14, Cachar, Assam, PIN: 788014, India. Mobile No: (+91)9435043209 E-Mail:  dr.turlikasinha@rediffmail.com


Introduction: Ultrasound is the first imaging modality used to assess the kidneys and renal tract due to its easy accessibility, lack of radiation and low cost. The size of kidney is considered an important indicator for various clinical signs. Ultra-sonographic measurement of renal dimensions such as length, breadth and thickness are important parameters in diagnosis and management of kidney diseases as there is a close proximity between renal size and its function.

Aim: The aim of the present study was to ascertain the renal dimensions in adult by ultrasonography and to correlate with somatic parameters like age, sex, height and body surface area.

Methods: This study was carried out on 118 patients (51 male & 67 female) taking measurements of 236 kidneys having no radiologic evidence of renal diseases. Renal dimensions of right were compared with the left. The volume of the kidney was correlated with age, sex, height and body surface area.

Results: The present study revealed that the volume of left kidney was more than the right in both male and female. The size of kidney in male was larger than female. The volume of kidney showed linear relationship with the body surface area both in male and female. However, volume of kidneys decreased from sixty years of age.

Conclusion:  Measurements of renal dimensions can be obtained quickly and easily with ultrasonography having advantage of not exposing the patients to ionizing radiation. This allowed us to find differences in relation to age, sex, weight and height. There is a gender difference in adult kidney sizes. The renal length is correlated best with height and body surface area.

Key words: Ultrasonography, Kidney, Body Surface Area, Nomogram.


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Cite this article: Jayanta Kumar Sarkar, Turlika Sinha, Abhishek Das, Bijon Chandra Dutta. ULTRASONOGRAPHIC MEASUREMENT OF RENAL DIMENSIONS: IT’S CORRELATION WITH BODY SURFACE AREA IN ADULTS. Int J Anat Res 2018;6(4.1):5765-5771. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2018.338