
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 12; Issue 2 (June 2024)

Page No.: 8872-8877

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2023.233

Echo-anatomy of the Uterus of Pubescent Girls in Lomé (Togo) and its Correlation with the Occurrence of Dysmenorrhea

Sogan Ananivi *1, Laleye Christel Marie 2, Toni Kochami Wilfried 2, Murhabazi Emmanuel Mulume 2, Hounton Saturnin Emmanuel Dèdonou 2, Adjenou Komlanvi Victor 3, Hounnou Martial Gervais 2.

*1 Laboratory of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Health Sciences/University of Lomé (Togo).

2 Laboratory of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Health Sciences/University of Abomey-Calavi (Bénin).

3 Radiology Department, Teaching hospital CHU Campus of Lomé (Togo).


Sogan Ananivi: 0000-0002-4089-5991

Laleye Christel Marie: 0000-0002-0718-5269

Toni Kochami Wilfried: 0009-0006-4386-7917

Murhabazi Emmanuel Mulume:  0009-0004-9189-8182

Hounton Saturnin Emmanuel Dèdonou: 0009-0000-8005-2967

AdjenouKomlanvi Victor: NA

Hounnou Martial Gervais: NA

Corresponding Author: Sogan Ananivi (MD, Surgeon, MSc, Assisted Professor in anatomy and organogenesis) Laboratory of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Health Sciences/University of Lomé (Togo). E-Mail: sopher2@hotmail.fr


Introduction: This study aimed to examine the echo morphometry of the uterus in pubescent girls in Lomé and its potential relationship with essential dysmenorrhoea. Essential dysmenorrhoea, characterized by menstrual pain without identifiable causes, affects a significant portion of young women.

Methodology: This was a preliminary, prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study performed over six months in the anatomy laboratory of the University of Lomé (Togo), at a teaching hospital Campus and in a school in Lomé. The study was based on a convenience sample of 100 pubescent, nulligravid pupils aged between 13 and 18 years with no pelvic surgery history.

Results: Dysmenorrhea was noted in 60% of cases. No abnormality of uterine shape or structure was observed. In seven percent of cases, uterine malposition’s such as retroflection and retroversion were noted. There was a statistically significant correlation between uterine retroflection and the occurrence of dysmenorrhoea. The values of the biometric parameters tended to increase in girls with dysmenorrhoea.

Conclusion: To corroborate the results of the aforementioned preliminary work, a subsequent study on the same sample using a more objective means of exploration than ultrasound is necessary.

Keywords: Echo-Anatomy, Uterus, Dysmenorrhoea, Lomé (Togo).


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Cite this article: Sogan Ananivi, Laleye Christel Marie, Toni Kochami Wilfried, Murhabazi Emmanuel Mulume, Hounton Saturnin Emmanuel Dèdonou, Adjenou Komlanvi Victor, Hounnou Martial Gervais. Echo-anatomy of the Uterus of Pubescent Girls in Lomé (Togo) and its Correlation with the Occurrence of Dysmenorrhea. Int J Anat Res 2024;12(2):8872-8877. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2023.233