
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 13; Issue 1 (March 2025)

Page No.: 9109-9113

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2024.243

Anatomical Study of the Coronary Arteries of the Grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus, TEMMINCK 1827)

Sogan Ananivi *1, Hounakey Mawunyo Afanvi 2, Laleye Christel Marie 3, James Yaovi Edem 4, Maman You Esperance Broalet 5, Agbonon Amégnona 6, Hounnou Martial Gervais 7.

*1 Laboratory of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Health Sciences/University of Lomé (Togo).
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4089-5991

2 Laboratory of Biology and Health, Neuroscience Unit, Felix Houphouët-Boigny University, Abidjan, Ivory Coast. ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0009-0007-4209-4892

3 Laboratory of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Health Sciences/University of Abomey-Calavi (Bénin).   ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0718-5269

4 Laboratory of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Health Sciences/University of Lomé (Togo). ORCiD: NA

5 Anatomy Laboratory, Medical Science Training and Research Unit, Alassane Ouattara University, Bouake, Ivory Coast. ORCiD:   NA

6 Physiology and Pharmacology Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lomé. ORCiD: NA

7 Laboratory of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Health Sciences/University of Abomey-Calavi (Bénin) ORCiD: NA

Corresponding Author: Sogan Ananivi (MD, Surgeon, MSc, Assisted Professor in anatomy and organogenesis); Laboratory of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Health Sciences/University of Lomé (Togo).
E-Mail: sopher2@hotmail.fr


Background: The grasscutter is an animal model increasingly used in fundamental research in Africa. Aim: To describe the anatomy of the coronary arteries of the grasscutter.

Methods: This was a preliminary, experimental, cross-sectional and descriptive study involving four grasscutters, aged four months and older each. An injection of non-fractionated heparin was given to the grasscutters before the beginning of the experiment. A dissection and an extraction of the heart from the thoracic cavity were performed after killing animal under general anaesthesia. A washing of the coronary arteries was performed before the injection of latex with red dye on the left and unstained latex in the right coronary. After latex injection, the coronary arteries were described by direct observation of the fresh specimens.

Results: The two coronary arteries arise at the base of the aorta in anterior left and right positions respectively. The left coronary artery terminates in two branches, the circumflex artery and the ventral interventricular artery; the left marginal artery arises from the ventral interventricular artery. The right coronary artery, from its origin, gives a branch for the sinu-atrial node, an infundibular branch and the right marginal artery. It then passes into the right atrioventricular sulcus to terminate at the dorsal surface of the heart, giving rise to the dorsal interventricular artery.

Conclusion: The distinctive features of coronary artery anatomy described in this preliminary study will be useful in the carrying out of a model of ischaemia in a myocardial territory for fundamental research.

Key words: Coronary Arteries, Grasscutter, Anatomy, Lomé, Togo.


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PMid:11693308 PMCid:PMC1468358

Cite this article: Sogan Ananivi, Hounakey Mawunyo Afanvi, Laleye Christel Marie, James Yaovi Edem, Maman You Esperance Broalet, Agbonon Amégnona, Hounnou Martial Gervais. Anatomical Study of the Coronary Arteries of the Grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus, TEMMINCK 1827). Int J Anat Res 2025;13(1):9109-9113. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2024.243