
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 1 (January 2017)

Page No.: 3338-3341

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.470


Tallapaneni sreekanth.

MD,Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Shadan Institute of Medical Sciences, Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Peerancheeruvu, Near Arramaisamma Temple, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Tallapaneni Sreekanth, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Shadan Institute of Medical Sciences, Teaching Hospital & Research Center, Peerancheeruvu, Near Arramaisamma Temple, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Mobile No: 70934 49309, 91006 83056. E-Mail: anatomysreekanth18@yahoo.com


Background and Aims:  A floating gall bladder is a rare anatomical variation.  It is most of the times presented as a case report.  A gallbladder that is completely covered with peritoneum is called a floating gall bladder or wandering gallbladder.  It is usually suspended from the inferior surface of the liver by a fold of mesentery.  The non-fixed gallbladder can undergo complete torsion or incomplete torsion in  a clockwise or anti-clockwise directions.   The present study finding out the  incidence of floating / wandering gallbladder is the  first of its kind.  Only if aware, the medical personnel can take up the unusual situations  with confidence rather that surprise lessening the morbidity and mortality rates in  treating them.

Materials and Methods: The present study was carried on   45 formalin fixed cadaveric [40 Male and 5 Female]  livers.

Results:  In the present study 2 (4.44%)  floating gall bladders were identified after observing the  inferior surfaces of  45 formalin fixed liver specimens.  One in  Male and other in a Female Cadaver.

Conclusion:  A floating gall bladder is a rare variation occurring at the inferior surface of the liver.  A variant anatomy illuminates embryology.  It is  one of the reasons for acute cholecystitis,  torsion and wandering  abdominal pain. The mortality rates for patients with a   necrotic gallbladder is 10 times higher. The knowledge of this variation is necessary for the anatomists, gastro hepatic surgeons and radiologists.

Key Words:  Floating Gallbladder, Inferior Surface, Torsion.


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Cite this article: Tallapaneni sreekanth. INCIDENCE OF FLOATING / WANDERING GALL BLADDERS:  A CADAVERIC STUDY AND ITS CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS. Int J Anat Res 2017;5(1):3338-3341. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.470