
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 2.1 (April 2017)

Page No.: 3735-3740

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.161


Bheemesh Pusala *1, M. Venkateshwer Reddy 2.

*1 Tutor, Department of Anatomy, ESIC Medical College,Sanathnagar,Hyderabad Telangana, India.       

 2 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, SVS Medical College, Mahaboobnagar, Telangana, India.

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Bheemesh Pusala, H.No-4/2/704, Indranagr colony, Vikarabad, RangaReddy Dist Telangana, India. Pin-501101 Mob. No.: +919642630764,+917075326427 E-Mail: bheemesh.india@gmail.com


Introduction: Coronary arteries supply oxygen rich blood to entire heart muscle, Arterial supply to heart is achieved by two arteries, which are the only branches from ascending aorta. These arteries branch in such a manner that they occupy atrioventricular and interventricular groove in the shape of a crown. Hence they are called the coronary arteries. The artery supplying the Posterior Descending artery (PDA) determines the coronary dominance. the right dominant coronary circulation is one in which the PDA is a terminal branch of Right Coronary Artery (RCA) and in left dominance, PDA arises from left coronary artery Left dominant hearts are at an increased risk of coronary heart diseases. The present survey was therefore conducted to find out the variations in termination and dominance of coronary arteries.

Material and Methods: The material for the present study comprises of adult human heart collected from the cadavers from the dissection hall of anatomy department of S.V.S medical college, Mahabubnagar from 2007 to 2016. The hearts of 80 adult cadavers fixed with 10% formaldehyde , With the help of Scalpel ,  Forceps, Scissors, I used Dissection method   To secure the heart specimen, then KOH method used To separate the heart  muscle mass and for highlight the arterial system Fevicryl crimson red colour .For the Angiogram study,20 Coronary angiograms and 20 CT angiograms films were collected from the Department of Cardiology, Yashoda hospital, Secunderabad  to compare the coronary arteries in the living with that cadavers.

Results: Right coronary artery terminated as a 7.5% Before right border, 15%  At right border,  22.50%  Before Crux  and 55% At crux or beyond crux .Left coronary artery terminated as a15%  At Apex ,85%Lower 1/3rd  of  Posterior IV groove.and Right Coronary Artery Dominance were found in  70% hearts ,Left Dominance were found in 15% hearts and Balanced  were found  in 15% hearts.

Conclusions: Better anatomical knowledge about the dominance of coronary artery and its variation is essential for cardiologists and interpretation of coronary angiograms by radiologist.

Key words: Right coronary artery (RCA)  Left coronary artery (LCA) ,  Posterior Descending Artery (PDA) , Dominence.


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Cite this article: Bheemesh Pusala, M. Venkateshwer Reddy. TERMINATION AND DOMINANCE OF CORONARY ARTERIES: ON TELANGANA POPULATION. Int J Anat Res 2017;5(2.1):3735-3740. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2017.161