
Type of Article:  Case Report

Volume 5; Issue 3.1 (July 2017)

Page No.: 4090-4091

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.257


N.P.Singh *1, Vikram Singh Yadav 2.

*1 Reader, Jammu College of Physiotherapy, Nardani, Jammu, India.

2 Assistant Professor, College of Physiotherapy, PGIMS,  Pt Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rhotak, India.

Address for Correspondence: N P Singh, Reader, Jammu College of physiotherapy, Nardani , Raipur road, Jammu, 181123, India. Phone. 01912432167, Mob 9419106707 E-Mail: navinder867@gmail.com


Brachial artery is a major artery of upper limb and is the branch of 3rd part of axillary artery. In the present case study we found a variation in the bifurcation of the brachial artery of right arm ,with brachial artery dividing 7 Cm above the epicondyl, a deviation from normal course. Out of two branches radial and ulnar, the radial artery had smaller caliber than ulnar artery. Knowledge regarding  the anatomical variations of arteries is of utmost importance for orthopedic surgeons ,radiologist and cardiovascular surgeons during various surgical procedures and procedures like angiography.

Key Words: Brachial artery, bifurcation, variation, radial artery.


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Cite this article: N.P.Singh, Vikram Singh Yadav. VARIATION IN BIFURCATION OF RIGHT BRACHIAL ARTERY: CASE REPORT. Int J Anat Res 2017;5(3.1):4090-4091. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2017.257