
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 3.2 (August 2017)

Page No.: 4265-4268

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.302


Harshada Manohar Ughade *1, Ashwini Vijay  Bhele 2, Sanobar Shaikh 3, Umesh Shankarrao Joge 4.

*1 Assistant Professor Department of Anatomy, SVNGMC Yavatmal, India.

2 Senior Resident Department of Anatomy,SVNGMC Yavatmal, India.

3 Head of the department Department of Anatomy,SVNGMC Yavatmal, India.

4 Assistant Professor Department of Community Medicine,SVNGMC Yavatmal, India.

Corresponding author: Dr. Harshada Ughade, Assistant Professor Department of Anatomy, SVNGMC Yavatmal, India. E-Mail: drharshadaughade@gmail.com


Background: The talus is one of the seven tarsal bones in human body. Talus is having a shape like a tortoise with head, neck and body. It is the link between the foot and leg, through the ankle joint. Talus being the key bone of the longitudinal arch; It is responsible for receiving the body weight and transmitting it to the plantar arch below. Talus has unique feature that, it is the only bone which has no muscular and tendinous attachment.

Materials and Methods: Present study aims to study the variation in the shape and dimension of the talus bone. The present cross- sectional observational study was carried in Shri Vasantrao Nike Govt Medical College Yavatmal from October. 2013 to November 2015.Macerated and dried human talus bone of unknown sex were taken for the study. The tali were  collected from the Department of Anatomy, and different medical colleges.

Result: In the present study out of 140 tali, the right tali 78(55.71%) outnumbered the left tali 62(44.29%). The right tali to left tali ratio was1.25:1.the mean maximum anteroposterior length of right tali (5.13±0.52) was less as compared to mean maximum anteroposterior length of left tali (5.26± 0.56)

Key words: Morphometry, Talus, Surgical intervention, Congenital abnormalities


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Cite this article: Harshada Manohar Ughade, Ashwini Vijay Bhele, Sanobar Shaikh, Umesh Shankarrao Joge. MORPHOMETRIC STUDY OF HUMAN TALUS – A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY. Int J Anat Res 2017;5(3.2):4265-4268. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2017.302