Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 6; Issue 2.2 (May 2018)
Page No.: 5203-5206
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.154
Pravina Jagani 1, V.J.Akbari *2, Sanjay Chavda 3, Ashish Rathva 4.
1,4 Tutor, Department of Anatomy, P.D.U. Medical College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India.
*2,3 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, P.D.U. Medical College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. V.J.Akbari, 21, Sattelite Park, Street-1, Nr Govind Ratna Bunglows, Bh Tapovan School, Gowardhan Chowk BRTS, 150 ft Ring Road, Rajkot, Gujarat, India. Contact No. :+919099091453 E-Mail: vrajakbari80@gmail.com
Introduction: The identification of sex in human skeletal remains is an important component of many anthropological investigations and forensic science. Sex determination using sacrum is often considered with various available parameters and indices when dealing with human skeleton remains. Sacral index is the most important criteria for sex determination using sacrum. Present study aims at determining the significance of sacral index in sex determination from sacra of saurashtra region.
Materials and Methods: 120 (84 male and 36 female) adult human sacra of known sex from Saurashtra region was included in present study. Ventral straight length and maximum breath of sacrum was measured , sacral index calculated, Demarking points for these parameters were used for identification of sex of sacrum.
Results: In males sacral index varies from 90.38 to 119.36, with mean value of 103.49 and standard deviation was found to be 8.52. In females sacral index varies from 92.86 to 141.33, with mean value of 116.97 and standard deviation was found to be 8.52. In statically significant range(Mean ± 3 SD) maximum value of male sacral index was 121.76 and minimum value of female index was 91.40. These two points were accepted as demarking points.
Conclusion: Significant differences has been observed in the sacral index of males and females of Saurashtra region. Sacral index is higher in females than in males. On the basis of present study it can be concluded that in Saurashtra region sacrum having sacral index less than 91.40 is definitely of male whereas sacrum having sacral index more than 121.76 is definitely of female. However not a single parameter could identify sex of 100% of the bones.
Key Words: Sacrum, Sacral index, Sex determination.
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