
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 6; Issue 2.3 (June 2018)

Page No.: 5379-5383

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.211


Rucha Kulkarni *1, Shanta S Hattangdi 2.

*1 Additional Professor, Department of Anatomy, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion (West), Mumbai, India.

2 Professor, Department of Anatomy, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion (West), Mumbai, India.

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Rucha Kulkarni, Additional Professor, Department of Anatomy, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion (West), Mumbai – 400022, India. E-Mail: omkar.vs@hotmail.com


The hila and adjacent pre-hilar parts of 72 kidneys (35 right and 37 left) isolated from formalin fixed cadavers were examined. The hilum and prehilar area of each kidney was dissected to observe the total number of branches of the main renal artery. This information is useful in nephron sparing surgeries such as partial nephrectomy by laparoscopic approach. Subsequently, prehilar branching of the main renal artery before it enters the hilum was observed in 48.6% of kidneys with a higher incidence of 51.3% in left kidneys as compared with the incidence of the right side (45.7%). We further observe the variations of branching patterns in the main renal artery and calculate the incidences. Finally, our results are compared with that of similar studies conducted previously.

Key words: Hilum, Renal Vein, Renal Artery, Laparoscopic, Nephrectomy.


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Cite this article: Rucha Kulkarni, Shanta S Hattangdi. ANATOMICAL VARIATIONS OF BRANCHING PATTERN OF MAIN RENAL ARTERY IN HILUM AND PREHILAR AREA. Int J Anat Res 2018;6(2.3):5379-5383. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2018.211