
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 7; Issue 3.2 (August 2019)

Page No.: 6877-6881

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2019.248


Nagraraj Mallashetty *1, Veeresh Itagi 2, Vikas N M 3.

*1,2 Associate professors, Department of Anatomy SSIMS RC Davangere, Karnataka, India.

3 II year MBBS student, SSIMS RC Davangere, Karnataka, India.

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Veeresh Itagi, Associate professor, Department of Anatomy SSIMS RC Davangere, Karnataka, India. E-Mail: ittigiveresh@gmail.com


Introduction: The arches of the feet are important in protecting the internal structures of the body from impact forces while it mainly helps in transferring the internal forces to the ground and are also involved in lifting the body weight and mainly shock absorption With respect to the medial longitudinal arch some prominent deformities can be observed – high arch i.e., Cavus foot and low arch i.e., flat foot also known as Pes planus. The deformities are responsible for inefficient transmission of forces leading to foot diseases.

Objectives: The present study is an attempt to know the effect of body mass index on plantar arches. This is useful in creating awareness about the plantar arch deformities and the cause for the deformity. The parameters used in measuring the plantar arch height are Staheli’s plantar arch index and arch angle.

Methodology: Over the course of two months study was conducted on 106 subjects within the age group of 18-22years. Body Mass Index of the subjects are calculated using height and weight of the subject. Plantar arch index and arch angle were classified underOne wayANOVA test and chi square test. Measurement of the plantar arch index is done by using Staheli’s arch index and arch angle will be done by using foot print method.

Conclusion: In this study it is shown that BMI is significantly associated with Arch index and Arch angle. Arch index is significantly higher in obese and overweight subjects than underweight and normal subjects. Arch angle is significantly higher in underweight and normal subjects than obese and overweight subjects. In the present study by comparing overweight and obese subjects with underweight and normal subjects, the obese and overweight subjects are more prone to have flatfoot.

Key words: Arches Of Foot, BMI, Arch Index, Arch Angle.


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Cite this article: Nagraraj Mallashetty, Veeresh Itagi, Vikas N M. EFFECT OF BODY WEIGHT ON ARCHES OF FOOT-A CORRELATIVE STUDY BETWEEN BMI AND ARCH INDEX. Int J Anat Res 2019;7(3.2):6877-6881. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2019.248