Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 8; Issue 3.3 (September 2020)
Page No.: 7707-7711
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2020.181
Divya Shanthi D’Sa 1, Sangeetha V *2, Sundar G 3.
1,*2 Assistant Professor, Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences, Shimoga, Karnataka, India.
3 Assistant Professor, Government Vellore Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Sangeetha V, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences, Purle Post, Holehonnur Road, Shimoga-577222, Karnataka, India. Mobile No: 9481831659 E-Mail: sanman17svg@gmail.com
Introduction: In humans, spleen is one of the largest and single secondary lymphoid organs with high vascularity. The spleen develops from the mesoderm and during its development, different lobules are formed, which fuses with each other later on which is indicated in the form of the lobulations in adult spleen that can be seen on the superior as well as on the inferior borders.
Materials and methods: The study was done in the department of Anatomy, Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences, Shimoga in association with Government Vellore Medical College, Vellore. A total of 60 adult human cadaveric spleens were studied. Splenic notches and fissures were studied with regard to its different borders. The data obtained was tabulated, analysed statistically and compared with the previous studies.
Results: Out of the 60 spleens observed, 42 (70%) spleen showed notches on the superior border, 6 (10%) spleen showed notches on the inferior border. 12 (20%) spleen did not show any notches on both superior and inferior border. The number of splenic notches on the superior border varied between 1 and 6. But the majority of the spleens showed notches that varied between 1 and 3 on the superior border. Fissures along the superior border were observed in 3 specimens.
Conclusion: Splenomegaly is common in case of malaria, kalazar, typhoid, acute and chronic leukemias. In these common cases, the physician feels the notches of spleen on the superior border. It is essential for the surgeons and radiologists to become completely aware of anatomical variations that may help in accurate clinical diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
Key words: Lobulations, Notches, Spleen, Splenomegaly, Superior border.
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