
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 8; Issue 4.1 (November 2020)

Page No.: 7761-7766

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2020.210


Savitha V 1, Sharada B. Menasinkai *2.

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences affiliated to Adichunchanagiri University, B.G Nagara,  Karnataka, India.

*2 Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences affiliated to Adichunchanagiri University, B.G Nagara, Karnataka, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Sharada B. Menasinkai, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences affiliated to Adichunchanagiri University, B.G Nagara-571448  Karnataka, India. Mobile No:9945614794. E-Mail: drsharadabm@gmail.com


Background: The increasing application of sophisticated electro-physiological & radiological methods for the diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal disorders requires an extensive knowledge of the size and proportions of the human larynx & its cartilaginous components.

Aims: To study the various morphometric measurements of the Thyroid & Cricoid cartilages in male & female in dissection & CT method and to compare the measurements of Thyroid & Cricoid cartilages between living (CT measurements) & Cadaver (dissected specimens).

Materials and Methods: The present study was carried on 62 (31 Male, 31 Female) patients undergoing CT neck attending the Department of Radiology, K.R Hospital attached to Mysore Medical College & Research Institute, Mysore, Karnataka, India. In the Computerized Tomography of Neck, measurements of Thyroid & Cricoid cartilages were taken at two levels by using Radiant Dicom Viewer software. Thyroid and Cricoid cartilages from 62 cases (Male: 31, Female: 31) of postmortem in the department of Forensic medicine, MMC and RI, Mysore were studied. Various parameters on thyroid and cricoid were measured using vernier caliper.

Results: The results by two methods showed significant differences after death i.e. by dissection method the AP measurements of both thyroid & cricoid cartilages are less compared to AP measurements of both cartilages by CT method in both sexes i.e. in living.

Conclusion: We can conclude that there is a decrease in AP distance of both thyroid & Cricoid cartilages in both the sexes after death. These morphological differences have important clinical and surgical implications.

Key words: Larynx, Thyroid Cartilage, Cricoid Cartilage, Morphometry, Sex determination.


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Cite this article: Savitha V, Sharada B. Menasinkai. COMPARISION BETWEEN DISSECTION AND CT MEASUREMENTS OF THYROID AND CRICOID CARTILAGES IN ADULTS. Int J Anat Res 2020;8(4.1):7761-7766. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2020.210