
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 9; Issue 4 (December 2021)

Page No.: 8127-8132

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2021.168

Effect of Genetic / Environmental Influence on Growth of Newborn in Himachal Pradesh

Susheela Rana 1, Hemender Mahajan 2, Nalneesh Sharma 2, Pankaj Soni  *1.

1 Department of Anatomy SLBS Govt. Medical College, Mandi at Nerchowk Himachal Pradesh, India.

2 Department of Gynaecology SLBS Govt. Medical College, Mandi at Nerchowk Himachal Pradesh, India.

Correspondence author: Dr. Pankaj Soni, Department of Anatomy, Sh. Lal Bahadur Shastri Govt. Medical College, Mandi at Nerchowk Himachal Pradesh, India. E-Mail: drsoni13@gmail.com        


Introduction: The effects of altitudinal variation on child growth and development have long been a center of attention for researcher. We believe that hereditary factor primarily affects on child growth and development however environment has secondary effect on it. The available literature on newborns in Himachal Pradesh establishes the fact that as altitude increases the crown heel length decreases. A comprehensive significant finding was also available in both the regions of Himachal Pradesh in terms of head length, foot length, nasal height etc. the comparison between the neonates of the two zones of Himachal Pradesh explains the difference in physical appearance of people of both zones. These features may be biological or behavioral in nature, genetic or developmental in origin. Most instances, a combination of factors are involved.

Methods: The present study included 185 parents and their newborns from two zones (Lower zone and Middle zone) of Himachal Pradesh and separated as per the criteria. Measurement of newborn parameters was taken in 12-24 hours after birth by using digital vernier caliper. Ethical clearance from university and permission from Himachal Pradesh government was taken. All the newborns were separated as per criteria

  1. Mother / Father from Lower Zone. (Zone category 1)
  2. Mother / Father from Middle Zone. (Zone category 2)
  3. Mother from Lower Zone / Father from Middle Zone. (Zone category 3)
  4. Mother from Middle Zone / Father from Lower Zone. (Zone category 4)

Results: Statistically significant difference was obtained in all the four categories. Different parameters were compared across different parent- zone categories by one way ANOVA. The results showed that four  parameters shows significantly across groups, viz, Weight,  Facial Length, Nasal Height and Philtrum width in all the Zone categories. 

Conclusions: The early historical studies mention that people living in Himachal Pradesh have migrated from different geographical locations hence their genetics, as well as culture is different from each other. This study clearly demonstrates the effects of environmental factors on child growth and development in Himachal Pradesh.

Key word: Anthropometry, Newborn, Himachal, Environment, Genetics.


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Cite this article: Susheela Rana, Hemender Mahajan, Nalneesh Sharma, Pankaj Soni. Effect of Genetic / Environmental Influence on Growth of Newborn in Himachal Pradesh. Int J Anat Res 2021;9(4):8127-8132. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2021.168