Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 8; Issue 2 (April 2020)
Page No.: 3398-3406
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2020.105
Varsha. Solanki *1, Saraswati. Iyer 2.
*1 Post-graduate Research Student, P.T. School and Centre, Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College & King Edward Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, India.
2 Professor and Head of Department, P.T. School and Centre, Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College and King Edward Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Varsha. Solanki (PT), P.T. School and Centre, Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College & King Edward Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai-400 012, India. E-Mail: varshasolanki.vs18@gmail.com
Background: Balance in the human body is maintained by the coordinated integration of sensory input from somatosensory, vestibular and visual system. This coordinated response to stimuli must be transmitted to appropriate muscles to maintain or to correct balance. Both static and dynamic stabilizers provide support to the normal knee joint where static stabilizers include ligament, meniscus and joint capsule which provide stabilization to the joint. Altered response in these sensory inputs may affect balance. Proprioceptive feedback is received from the sensory receptors present in the joint to maintain knee joint position, which gets altered due to microtrauma in the aging process, which thus affects balance. In elderly, this loss of balance is correlated with increased risk of falls. So, it is important to study the correlation between static balance and knee proprioception in elderly.
Purpose of the study: To understand the correlation of static balance with knee proprioception.
Methodology: It was an Observational cross- sectional study in which 70 subjects were enrolled as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria, after which a written informed consent was taken. Knee proprioception error was assessed in standing position using a goniometer. Static Balance was assessed using Tandem Stance Time.
Results: The study showed negative correlation between Right knee proprioception error and tandem stance time, r= -0.1207 and left knee proprioception error and tandem stance time, r= -0.1222.
Conclusion: Thus, the study concluded that there is negative correlation between knee proprioception error and static balance, i.e. lesser the knee proprioception error better is the static balance.
KEY WORDS: Static Balance, Knee proprioception error, Tandem Stance Time.
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