
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 1 (February 2017)

Page No.: 1881-1884

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2016.213


Nidhi Agarwal *2, Pawan Kumar Aggarwal 2. 

*1 MPT (Neurological Sciences), Assistant Professor, Maharaja Agrasen College Of Physiotherapy, Agroha, District Hisar (Haryana), India.

2 MPT (Musculoskeletal), Assistant Professor, Maharaja Agrasen College Of Physiotherapy, Agroha, District Hisar (Haryana), India.

 Address for Correspondence: Dr. Nidhi Agarwal (PT), MPT (Neurological Sciences), Assistant Professor, Maharaja Agrasen College Of Physiotherapy, Agroha, District Hisar (Haryana), India. E-Mail:  nid_agg@yahoo.com


Objective: To find out the effect of Pilates on Pain and core muscle endurance in females with chronic low back pain.

Materials and Methods: A sample of 20 females with chronic non specific low back pain with age group of 25 -40 years participated in the study. Each subject were given10 minutes of walk before 40 minutes of Pilates for 5 days a week ,5-6 repetition of each exercise for 4 weeks, exercises incorporated were  pelvic tilts, supine leg circles, side lying circles, side lying clamps, prone lying cobra stretch, prone lying leg raise, quadruped superman and seated spine twist. Basic commands regarding the positioning, activation and engagement of core along with breathing control were given to the subjects.  Pre and post reading of pain using VAS and core muscle endurance using Plank endurance test was taken. The effect of Pilates was then analyzed.

Result and Conclusion: There was significant improvement in pain and core muscle endurance after 4weeks of Pilates in females with non specific chronic low back pain.

Key Words: Low Back Pain, Core Muscle, Pilates, VAS, and Plank Endurance Test.


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Cite this article: Nidhi Agarwal, Pawan Kumar Aggarwal. EFFECT OF PILATES ON PAIN AND CORE MUSCLE ENDURANCE IN FEMALES WITH CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN. Int J Physiother Res 2017;5(1):1881-1884. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2016.213