
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 5 (October 2017)

Page No.: 2379-2384

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2017.213


Mohamed Hussien ElGendy 1, Rania Nagy Karkousha 2, Ahmed Salah Eldin Hassan 3, Ramy Raafat Mourad *4.

1 Professor at Basic Science Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt

2 Lecturer at Basic Science Department, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt

3 Professor at Neurosurgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.

*4 Physiotherapist at Dar El Salam hospital, Cairo, Egypt.

Corresponding author:  Ramy Raafat Mourad, Physiotherapist at Dar El Salam hospital, Cairo, Egypt. E-Mail: dr.ramyraafat@gmail.com; rania.nagy@pt.cu.edu.eg


Background: Low back pain is defined as discomfort or pain located at the area from the 12th rib down to the gluteal area.

Purpose: To compare short term effect of high velocity low amplitude thrust manipulation versus muscle energy technique on somatic dysfunction in mechanical low back pain patients in terms of pain and tenderness.

Subjects and Methods: 40 patients with mechanical low back pain, their ages range from 20- 30 years. They were randomly assigned into two equal groups. Group A (24±3.69 years) received a single high velocity low amplitude thrust manipulation technique for lumbar spine, while group B (24.3±3.57 years) received 3 contractions of muscle energy technique. Visual analogue scale and pressure algometer were used to assess pain and tenderness respectively pre and post treatment.

Results: The study revealed that there was significant decrease in pain and tenderness post treatment in both groups. While there was no significant difference in tenderness between both groups post treatment, there was significant difference in pain between both groups post treatment where group A revealed significant decrease in pain.

Conclusion: Both high velocity low amplitude thrust manipulation and muscle energy technique have significant short term effect on somatic dysfunctions in mechanical low back pain patients. However, high velocity low amplitude thrust manipulation is more effective in decreasing pain perception.

Key words: Mechanical low back pain, Somatic dysfunction, High velocity low amplitude thrust manipulation, Muscle energy technique.


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Cite this article: Mohamed Hussien ElGendy, Rania Nagy Karkousha, Ahmed Salah Eldin Hassan, Ramy Raafat Mourad. THRUST MANIPULATION VERSUS MUSCLE ENERGY TECHNIQUE ON SOMATIC DYSFUNCTION IN MECHANICAL LOW BACK PAIN PATIENTS. Int J Physiother Res 2017;5(5):2379-2384. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2017.213