
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 6; Issue 2 (April 2018)

Page No.: 2654-2659

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2018.101


Mowaffak Mostafa Abd El Hamid 1, Noha Abd El Halim El Sawy 1 Abla Ahmed Abo Zeid 2,  Riham Abdelmaksoud Hamed Abdelmaksoud *1.

*1 Department of Physical Medicine, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt.

2 Department of Clinical and Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt.

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Riham Abdelmaksoud Hamed Abdelmaksoud, Department of Physical Medicine, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt. E-Mail: reham.abdelmaksoud@yahoo.com


Osteoarthritis is characterized by cartilage degeneration or degradation of one or more joints. It is a common condition to affect synovial joints, the single most important cause of  locomotor disability and a major challenge to health care. Previous studies have suggested that diabetic patients are at higher risk of developing rheumatic disorders. Some have reported a correlation of osteoarthritis with longer diabetes mellitus duration and poor glycemic control. Furthermore, the presence of peripheral neuropathy in diabetes mellitus patients may increase the risk of aggressive forms of osteoarthritis. Some studies found that type 2 diabetes increases incidence of knee osteoarthritis and predicts the development of severe osteoarthritis independent of age and Body Mass Index. This paper gives data about prevalence and severity of osteoarthritis in diabetic type 2 patients.

Key words: Diabetes Mellitus, osteoarthritis, prevalence, peripheral neuropathy, poor glycemic control, longer diabetes mellitus duration.


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Cite this article: Mowaffak Mostafa Abd El Hamid, Noha Abd El Halim El Sawy, Abla Ahmed Abo Zeid, Riham Abdelmaksoud Hamed Abdelmaksoud. PREVALENCE OF KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS AMONG EGYPTIAN DIABETIC TYPE 2 PATIENTS. Int J Physiother Res 2018;6(2):2654-2659. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2018.101