
Type of Article:  Review

Volume 7; Issue 6 (December 2019)

Page No.: 3326-3330

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2019.194


Ranveer Kumar Mahato *1, Shreya Patel 2, Neeta J Vyas 3.

*1 Ph.D. Scholar, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Principal, Pioneer Physiotherapy College, Ajwa-Nimeta Road, Sayajipura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

2 Lecturer, Pioneer Physiotherapy College, Ajwa-Nimeta Road, Sayajipura, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

3 Principal, IKDRC-ITS College of Physiotherapy, Medicity, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Corresponding author: Dr. Ranveer Kumar Mahato(P.T.), Ph.D. Scholar, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Principal, Pioneer Physiotherapy College, Ajwa-Nimeta Road, Sayajipura, Vadodara- 390019, Gujarat, India. Mo:+919723617191 E-Mail: drranveermahato@gmail.com


Background: Health care provision is facing significant burden due to osteoarthritis, which is the most common condition affecting synovial joints. Osteoarthritis of the knee causes substantial pain and disability, especially in the elderly.

Purpose of the study: Our objective is to incorporate the effect of ageing and osteoarthritis of knee over temporo-spatial parameters of gait, based on a systematic review of the evidence from various articles.

Method: Systemic literature search using PubMed, CINAHL, EBSCO and Willes library databases done. Articles following criteria of OA knee, gait analysis and ageing were selected.

Result: Among the 272 articles identified by the literature search, 59 articles reporting one of filter criteria were selected. Three additional articles were found by manual search. After reviewing the full-texts, another 29 reports were excluded because preselected 3D kinematic data were not available. Thus, the final analysis included 30 full-length reports (19 knee OA studies, 11 OA studies including ageing individuals) studying 781 knee OA patients (weighted mean age = 64.4 years, 59% females, weighted mean BMI = 29.0 kg/m2) and 343 ageing OA patients (weighted mean age = 78.1 years, 68% females, weighted mean BMI = 27.3 kg/m2)

Conclusion: Gait analysis as a noninvasive aid to clinical assessment could become an important clinical method of functional assessment in knee OA as well as arthritic changes taking place due to age. However, on the basis of the present systematic literature search, the available data concerning validity and reliability are clearly insufficient to consider kinematic parameters as quantifiable outcome measures in OA.

Summary and implications: Our study finding suggests presence of altered gait parameters because of osteoarthritis of knee as well as ageing, which was supported by result of having higher grading of affection in relatively younger individual have shown less affection because of high functionality level, while in compare to that older individuals less arthritic changes have also shown more impairment in functionality because of low occupational needs.

Key words: Knee Osteoarthritis, Ageing Individuals, Gait, Exercise Therapy.


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Cite this article: Ranveer Kumar Mahato, Shreya Patel, Neeta J Vyas. EFFECT OF AGEING AND OSTEOARTHRITIS OF KNEE OVER TEMPOROSPASTIAL PARAMETERS OF GAIT: A SYSTEMIC REVIEW. Int J Physiother Res 2019;7(6):3326-3330. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2019.194