
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 8; Issue 3 (June 2020)

Page No.: 3457-3461

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2020.129


Rashij M *1, Nahal Rintu 2, Linshina T 3.

*1 Physiotherapist, District Hospital, Tirur, Kerala, India.

2 Scientific Asst (Occupational Therapy), Govt Medical College, Kozhiokode, Kerala, India.

3 Paediatric Physiotherapist, Asten Clinic, Othukkungal, Kerala, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Rashij M, Physiotherapist, District Hospital, Tirur, Kerala, India. E-Mail: rashij@outlook.com


Orthotic supports play a very vital role in preventing limb deformities and supporting it in its functions.  The aims and objectives of prescribing an orthotic splint for children with cerebral palsy varies widely. Basically there are two types of splints – Supportive & Positional splints. Positional splints aims to improve and maintain muscle lengths and joint positions. These are usually prescribed as night splints. However, how far these splinting meet its expectations are not known. In this survey, we studied the parents’ satisfaction range of 68 cases with spastic cerebral palsy and presented along with our inference.

Key Words: Night Splints, Cerebral Palsy, Spastic Diplegia.


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Cite this article: Rashij M, Nahal Rintu, Linshina T. PARENTAL REVIEWS ON OUTCOME 0F NIGHT SPLINTS IN CHILDREN WITH SPASTIC DIPLEGIA – A REGIONAL SURVEY IN KERALA, INDIA. Int J Physiother Res 2020;8(3):3457-3461. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2020.129