
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 8; Issue 4 (July 2020)

Page No.: 3521-3525

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2020.138


Bijal Pasad *, Anagha Palkar, Ajay Kumar.

DPO’s Nett College of Physiotherapy, Kolshet Road, Opposite Everest World, Thane (w), Maharashtra, India.

Corresponding Author: Bijal Pasad, DPO’s Nett College of Physiotherapy, Kolshet Road, Opposite Everest World, Thane (w), Maharashtra, India. E-Mail: pasadbijal007@gmail.com


Background: Expiration is a passive process with active muscle contraction being used more during forceful activities such as coughing or sneezing. The abdominal muscles are major muscles of diaphragm. So it improves the efficiency of expiration. In obese individuals there is deposition of fat around the rib cage and the chest wall. Studies have shown that there is a decrease in the functional residual capacity and expiratory reserve volume in obese individuals. The expiratory flow limitation is important determinant of breathlessness in obese individuals. Abdominal and thoracic fat have direct effects on downward movement of diaphragm and chest wall. Abdominal muscles are powerful expiratory muscles whose actions help to force the diaphragm back to its resting position.

Aim: This present study was done to determine the effect of abdominal muscle exercises on peak expiratory flow rate in obese individuals.

Methods: In this experimental study 30 obese subjects with decreased peak expiratory flow rate who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria having a Body mass index of more than 30kg/cm2 were selected for abdominal muscle exercise program for 4 weeks, 2 sets of each exercise, thrice a week for 10 repetitions for each set. The pre and post peak expiratory flow rate were measured by peak expiratory flow meter. Statistical analysis was done using one sample t and Wilcoxon test.

Results: There was a significant increase in post peak expiratory flow rate compared to pre peak expiratory flow rate.

Conclusion: This study showed that there is significant effect of abdominal muscle exercises on peak expiratory flow rate in obese individuals.

Key words: Abdominal Muscle Exercises, Peak Expiratory Flow Rate, Obese.


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Cite this article: Bijal Pasad, Anagha Palkar, Ajay Kumar. EFFECT OF ABDOMINAL MUSCLE EXERCISES ON PEAK EXPIRATORY FLOW RATE IN OBESE INDIVIDUALS. Int J Physiother Res 2020;8(4):3521-3525. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2020.138