
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 8; Issue 5 (September 2020)

Page No.: 3595-3601

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2020.156


Dhanasekaran Pitchai *1, Venkatesan Ramakrishnan 2, Rajashreekar 3.

*1 Associate Professor, Burdwan Institute of Medical And Life Sciences, University Campus, Golapbag, Barddhaman-713104, West Bengal, India.

2, 3 Assistant Professor, Burdwan Institute of Medical And Life Sciences, University Campus, Golapbag, Barddhaman-713104, West Bengal, India.

Address for correspondence: Dhanasekaran Pitchai, Associate Professor, Burdwan Institute of Medical and Life Sciences, University Campus, Golapbag, Barddhaman-713104, West Bengal, India. Mobile:+91-9687146602. E-Mail: dhanaphysio80@gmail.com


Aim and Objective: To find out the effectiveness of Maitland mobilization verses Muscle Energy Technique on Mechanical neck pain patients.

Methods: 30 patients with mechanical neck pain aged between 18-50 years (male and female) were selected for the study. They were assessed and randomly divided into Two equal groups consisting 15 patients in each group. Group A patients were assigned To receive Maitland mobilization and group B patients were assigned to receive Muscle Energy Technique. Treatment was given for 5 days in a week for 3 weeks. The outcome measures used were pain intensity levels via visual analogue scale (VAS), and neck disability index (NDI).

Results: Study showed significant reduction in pain, in both groups. But Group A patients showed greater reduction in pain (VAS), and a greater reduction in disability (NDI score) than group B patients after 3 weeks of treatment.

Conclusion: The Present Study concludes   that the Maitland mobilization is more effective in reducing pain and reduction in disability as compared to Muscle energy technique in mechanical neck pain patients.

KEY WORDS: Mechanical neck pain, Maitland mobilization, MET, VAS, NDI.


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Cite this article: Dhanasekaran Pitchai, Venkatesan Ramakrishnan, Rajashreekar. A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN MAITLAND MOBILIZATIONS VERSUS MUSCLE ENERGY TECHNIQUES IN PATIENTS WITH MECHANICAL NECK PAIN. Int J Physiother Res 2020;8(5):3595-3601. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2020.156