
Type of Article:  Review

Volume 10; Issue 1 (February 2022)

Page No.: 4111-4124

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2021.213

Perfect Homeostasis: pH

R. Vinodh Rajkumar.

Physiotherapist, Medical Anthropologist & Gerontologist, Director – Prabhanjeet Fitness Research Institute OPC Private Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. 
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6656-3178

Corresponding Author: R.Vinodh Rajkumar, Physiotherapist, Medical Anthropologist & Gerontologist, Director – Prabhanjeet Fitness Research Institute OPC Private Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
E-Mail: dreamofkalam@rediffmail.com


Physiotherapists, Dieticians, and Exercise professionals have much better scope to become trailblazers in the forthcoming years to revamp the public health system and set spectacular trends in interdisciplinary health care for the people. Meanwhile, they must scrupulously engage in research pursuits and the dissemination of advanced knowledge in health and disease. A macrocosm of research literature in all the medical super-specializations are currently available but they would go futile if they are not unified and channelized for holistic and equitable health care. Human health is attained or maintained by acquiring homeostasis to coordinate and control a wide range of physiologic parameters within Narrow Homeostatic Range (NHR) that encompasses body temperature, pH, blood glucose level, blood cholesterol level, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, etc., Homeostasis tightly regulates NHR of all the physiologic parameters to develop homeostatic competence. Homeostatic competence is quite impossible without all the physiologic parameters harmoniously integrating with each other and working in their respective NHR. Physiologic parameters in NHR can be called as homeostatic factors. Deviation of even one physiologic parameter from its NHR could lead to temporary or permanent health disturbance due to disrupted homeostasis. But diseases tend to arise as a result of disturbance in all the physiologic parameters at the same time, though some or many of them could go unnoticed in the contemporary diagnostic procedures or due to lack of appropriate diagnosis. The homeostatic competence (or perfect homeostasis) of individuals that resists non-communicable diseases could also help resisting infectious diseases or vice versa. If only the data of physiologic parameters responsible for preventing non-communicable diseases are available, the health care professionals should be able to get a standpoint about the immunologic fitness of an individual (immunocompetent or immunocompromised) or if only the data of physiologic parameters responsible for immunologic fitness are available, the health care professionals should be able to get a standpoint about an individual’s ability to resist non-communicable diseases. These postulates on homeostatic competence can be made irrefutable by carefully reviewing the literature to establish associations between various homeostatic factors and the versatile roles played by each homeostatic factor in (i) preventing infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases (ii) maintaining pH and (iii) ensuring perfect homeostasis. Advancing Estimation and Gradation of Immunologic Status (AEGIS) can also be constructed putting together all homeostatic factors. Under the beneficial ecological conditions and lifestyle, human body as a biochemical machine would strive to adapt and converge all the versatile efforts of homeostatic factors to create perfect homeostasis for itself in association with a NHR for pH.  Undoubtedly, at any age, Homeostatic Excellence Actuates Life Through Health (HEALTH) is naturally possible.

Key words: Homeostasis, pH, Acid-base balance, Exercise, Nutrition, Ageing, Immunity, Infections, Non-communicable diseases, Public health.


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Cite this article: R. Vinodh Rajkumar. Perfect Homeostasis: pH. Int J Physiother Res 2022;10(1):4111-4124. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2021.213