
Type of Article:  Review

Volume 10; Issue 2 (April 2022)

Page No.: 4150-4161

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2022.106

An Evidence-Based Approach To The Role Of Physiotherapy In ICU

Saksham Gupta *1, Sheelu Sharma 2.

*1 Intern, Bachelors in Physiotherapy [BPT], PDUNIPPD, 4 – Vishnu Digamber Marg, New Delhi [Affiliated to Delhi University], India.

2 Senior Physiotherapist, PDUNIPPD, 4 – Vishnu Digamber Marg, New Delhi [Affiliated to Delhi University], India.

Saksham Gupta: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0902-5805

Sheelu Sharma: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8558-767X

Corresponding Author: Saksham Gupta, Intern, Bachelors in Physiotherapy [BPT], PDUNIPPD, 4 – Vishnu Digamber Marg, New Delhi [Affiliated to Delhi University], India. Phone no. – 9971256713, Email id – saksh199839@gmail.com


Critical care is the branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of patients whose ailments are life-threatening and necessitate round-the-clock attention and monitoring, usually in intensive care units [ICUs]. In the ICU or for critically ill patients, physiotherapy is regarded as an indispensable intervention that prevents and mitigates the negative consequences of prolonged bed rest and mechanical ventilation. It uses a wide range of therapeutic strategies to encourage early mobilization and discharge. Minimizing functional decline due to prolonged immobilization requires early progressive physiotherapy. Early mobilization strategies in adjunct to chest physiotherapy are deemed to be safe and feasible. In developing nations like India, physiotherapists are still primarily responsible for preventing and managing pulmonary problems in ventilated and other critically ill patients. The purpose of this review article is to accentuate the role of a physiotherapist in the care of ICU patients, as well as existing research evidence pertaining to the physiological consequences and effectiveness of various physiotherapy approaches that can be safely administered to the patients early on for a better and faster recovery.

Key words: Intensive care unit, Physiotherapy, Early mobilization strategies, Chest physiotherapy.


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Cite this article: Saksham Gupta, Sheelu Sharma.  An Evidence-Based Approach To The Role Of Physiotherapy In ICU. Int J Physiother Res 2022;10(2):4159-4161. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2022.106