
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 12; Issue 2 (April 2024)

Page No.: 4681-4688

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2024.104

Effect of Random, Blocked, and Mixed Practice Order on Upper Extremity Motor Learning in Subjects with Parkinson’s Disease

Sneha Kini *1, Lakshmiprabha Rangarajan 2, Prajakta Naik 3.

1,3 B.P. Th, M.P. Th in Neurosciences.

2 Assistant Professor, P.T. School and Centre, Seth G.S. Medical College, and K.E.M Hospital, Mumbai.

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Kini Sneha V. (PT), B.P. Th, M.P. Th in Neurosciences, P.T. School and Centre, Seth G.S. Medical College, and K.E.M Hospital, Mumbai, India. E-Mail: snehakini8@gmail.com


Background: Random practice order has been shown to improve motor learning in normal individuals as well as sports players. The purpose of this study is to investigate which practice order is beneficial in subjects with Parkinson’s disease.

Methodology: The total number of Subjects included in this study was 32. Blocked practice order followed by random followed by mixed practice order was given. In between washout period of 1 week was given. Response time during acquisition and retention was assessed. Data were analyzed statistically by using one-way ANOVA.

Results: The mean time taken by the subjects was maximum with Random practice order with (p=0.001, SD= 10.73) during Acquisition and (p=0.003, SD=8.88). The mean time difference was maximum with random (p= 0.001) in both the acquisitions as well as retention phases. On comparing the difference between the 1st and 10th trials of all three practice orders by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) post hoc analysis by using Tukey’s test, we observed that in subjects with PD Random practice order is more beneficial than mixed and blocked respectively.

Discussion: On comparing all three practice orders we can infer that Upper Extremity motor learning skill was superior with Random practice orders followed by Mixed and blocked practice orders respectively in both the acquisition and retention phases.

Keywords: Parkinson’s Disease, Motor Learning, Practice Order, Acquisition, Retention.


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Cite this article: Sneha Kini, Lakshmiprabha Rangarajan, Prajakta Naik. Effect of Random, Blocked, and Mixed Practice Order on Upper Extremity Motor Learning in Subjects with Parkinson’s Disease. Int J Physiother Res 2024;12(2):4681-4688. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2024.104