
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 12; Issue 3 (June 2024)

Page No.: 4697-4702

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2024.109

Effects of Brain Gym Exercises on Attention and Anxiety in Adolescents – An Experimental Study

Lubna Khan *1, Rutika Shivdikar 2, Ajay Kumar 3

*1 BPT Intern, DPO’s NETT College of Physiotherapy, Thane, Mumbai, India.

2 Assistant Professor, DPO’s NETT College of Physiotherapy, Thane, Mumbai, India.

3 Principal, DPO’S NETT College of Physiotherapy, Thane, Mumbai, India.

Corresponding Author: Lubna Khan, BPT Intern, DPO’S NETT College of Physiotherapy, Thane, Mumbai, India. E-Mail: khanlubna0523@gmail.com


Background: The common psychological difficulties in adolescents are anxiety states or minor depression and apart from that the attention span in adolescents is also shrinking as reported. The Brain Gym exercise is said to release learning blocks and cause improvement in areas such as memory, concentration, and focus. The goal of this study is to improve anxiety and attention in adolescents by performing brain gym exercises.

Aim: To study the effects of brain gym exercise on attention and anxiety in adolescents.

Methodology: The study employed an experimental study including 134 students within a 15-19 years age group, selected through purposive sampling. The primary outcomes are the Hamilton anxiety rating scale and the mindful attention awareness scale. Brain gym exercise was performed thrice a week for four weeks.

Results: A statistically significant improvement in anxiety and attention is observed with using brain gym exercise. The pretest mean anxiety score at week 1 was 18.46 and after four weeks the results showed a statistically significant decrease in anxiety with a mean score of 16.14. The pretest attention score in week 1 was 3.67 and the post-intervention score in week 4 was 3.98 showing a statistically significant increase in attention. The data was statistically significant with a p-value of <0.05.

Conclusion: The study concludes there’s a significant effect of brain gym exercises in improving attention and anxiety.

Keywords: Brain Gym Exercise, Anxiety, Attention, Adolescents, Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, The Mindful Attention Awareness Scale.


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Cite this article: Lubna Khan, Rutika Shivdikar, Ajay Kumar. Effects of Brain Gym Exercises on Attention and Anxiety in Adolescents – An Experimental Study. Int J Physiother Res 2024;12(3):4703-4707. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2024.109