
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 6 (November 2017)

Page No.: 2501-2507

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2017.236


Instar S. Waked *.

*Assistant Professor of physical therapy, Faculty of physical therapy, Cairo University, Egypt.

Address for correspondence:  Dr. Instar S. Waked, Assistant Professor of physical therapy, Faculty of physical therapy, Cairo University, Egypt. Address: 17th Ahmed El-Zyat Street, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University. Cairo, Egypt. Mobile No.: +966532107885

E-Mail: I.waked@mu.edu.sa


Objective: the aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of focused versus radial unfocused low energy extracorporeal shock-wave therapy on chronic wound healing.

Methods: Sixty patients were randomly divided into three groups of equal number. Group A; received focused extracorporeal shockwave therapy in addition to standard care. Group B received radial extracorporeal shockwave therapy in addition to standard care. Group C received standard care only. Wound surface area, wound volume were measured before and after 3 weeks.

Results: The results of study revealed that there was significant reduction of wound surface area and wound volume in radial more than focused shock wave therapy group.

Conclusion; Radial extracorporal shock wave therapy may be superior compared to focused extracorporeal shock wave therapy on chronic wound healing using the same low intensity energy flux densities. Further studies are needed using different parameters and follow up.

Key words: Focused Shock Wave Therapy, Radial Shock Wave Therapy, Wound Surface Area, Wound Volume, Wound Healing.


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