
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 8; Issue 1 (February 2020)

Page No.: 3337-3349

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2019.199


Leena K. Chilgar *1, Bhavna Mhatre 2, Hemali  Gandhi 3, Amita Mehta 4.

*1 Seth G. S. Medical college and KEM hospital, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

2 Seth G. S. Medical college and KEM hospital, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

3 Seth G. S. Medical college and KEM hospital, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

4 Head of the Department, Seth G. S. Medical college and KEM hospital, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Address for correspondance  : Dr. Leena Chilgar (PT), Assistant Professor at DPO’s Nett college of physiotherapy, Thane west, Maharashtra, India. Telephone : +919730710652 E-Mail: leenachilgar@gmail.com


Background: Shoulder Impingement is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain in adults. Scapular muscle imbalances results in impaired scapular orientation with altered scapular kinematics and altered glenohumeral rhythm.

Purpose of study: To study the effect of motor control retraining of scapular stabilizers versus mulligan mobilisation with movement in shoulder impingement patients.

Methodology: 60 patients with positive Hawkins, kinetic medial rotation and/or Neer impingement test were taken for the study as subjects. They were then divided into two groups of 30 each- Group A and Group B. Both the groups were assessed and reassessed for(i) pain status using VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) both at rest and on internal rotation, (ii)Shoulder Flexion, Extension, Shoulder Abduction, Adduction, Internal and External Rotation Range Of Motion (ROM), (iii)Functional Scale SPADI( Shoulder Pain and Disability Index) pre and post the intervention. Group A received motor control retraining of scapular stabilizers whereas group B received Mulligan’s mobilization with movement for 6 weeks (3 times in a week). Both the groups received conventional physiotherapy. Data analysis was done using Wilcoxon sign ranked test for intragroup comparison and Manwhitney test for intergroup comparison.

Results: The results showed statistically significant improvement in shoulder pain, ROM and shoulder function in motor control retraining as compared to mulligan mobilisation with movement.

Conclusion: Motor control retraining of scapular stabilizers is more effective treatment technique as compared to mulligan mobilisation with movement in shoulder impingement.

KEYWORDS: Shoulder Impingement, Mulligan’s Mobilisation with Movement, motor control retraining of scapular stabilizers, VAS, SPADI.


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Cite this article: Leena K. Chilgar, Bhavna Mhatre, Hemali Gandhi, Amita Mehta. EFFECT OF MOTOR CONTROL RETRAINING OF SCAPULAR STABILIZERS VERSUS MULLIGAN MOBILISATION WITH MOVEMENT IN SHOULDER IMPINGEMENT SYNDROME. Int J Physiother Res 2020;8(1):3337-3349. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2019.199