International Journal of Anatomy and Research

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Type of Article : Original Research

Year: 2015 | Volume 3 | Issue 3 | Page No. 1419-1424

Date of Publication: 30-09-2015



Neeta Chhabra *1, Suraj Prakash 2, B K Mishra 3.

*1 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Army College of Medical Sciences, Delhi Cantt. India.
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Army College of Medical Sciences, Delhi Cantt. India.
3 Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Army College of Medical Sciences, Delhi Cantt. India.

Address: Dr. Neeta Chhabra, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Army College of Medical Sciences, Delhi Cantt. India.


Introduction: Glenoid cavity of scapula has variable morphology and therefore its anatomy is of enormous importance for orthopaedic surgeon and prosthetic designers. Presence of notch in the antero-superior part of glenoid rim affects the morphology of glenoid labrum. Anatomical variations of glenoid cavity are also important for understanding the various pathologies involving the shoulder joint. Present study aims to determine various anthropometric measurements of scapula and glenoid cavity including the variations of its shape.
Materials and Methods: A total of 126 adult dry scapulae available in the Dept. of Anatomy, ACMS Delhi Cantt., India, and also procured from medical colleges in the vicinity were taken for the study.
Results: The mean length and breadth of scapula observed were 141.94±12.76mm 103.65±6.82mm respectively. The mean length of the glenoid observed in the present study was 38.78±3.03mm. The mean AP glenoid diameter 1 and 2 were 24.93±2.55mm and18.66±2.13mm respectively. The mean Glenoid cavity Index (GCI) found in the present study was 64.29 ± 9.79.
Conclusion: The dimensions of the glenoid observed in the present study were similar to those recorded in the studies done on other populations except for the shape. Higher percentage of glenoid cavities without a definitive notch was recorded in the present study compared to earlier studies. This fact may be taken into consideration while designing glenoid prostheses for the North Indian population.
KEY WORDS: Scapula, scapular length, scapular breadth, glenoid cavity, Glenoid cavity index.


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Neeta Chhabra, Suraj Prakash, B K Mishra. AN ANATOMICAL STUDY OF GLENOID CAVITY: ITS IMPORTANCE IN SHOULDER PROSTHESIS. Int J Anat Res 2015;3(3):1419-1424. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.252




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Volume 3 (2015)

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