International Journal of Anatomy and Research

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Type of Article: Original Research

Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | Page No. 1758-1764

Date of Publication: 31-01-2016



Ganesh Elumalai *1, Malarvani Thangamani 2, Sanjoy Sanyal 1, Palani Kanagarajan 3.

*1 Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience, Texila American University, Georgetown, South America.
2 Department of Anatomy, National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal.
3 Department of Comunity Medicine, Texila American University, Georgetown, South America.

Address: Dr. Ganesh Elumalai, Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience, Texila American University, Georgetown, South America.


Objectives: The study was designed to identify whether there is any association between the variations of sacral hiatus with low back pain (LBP) using the pelvic radiographs of the LBP patients.
Methods: One hundred and fifty digital radiographs include age group of patients between 15 to 50 years of both male and female patients were included in this study. Out of which 100 digital radiographs were of patients with history of LBP positive and 50 digital radiographs are from the LBP negative persons. The morphometry of radiographs were measured using Image-J software and then the measurements of LBP positive radiographs were compared with the measurements of radiographs with LBP negative persons.
Results: In 86 % of LBP negative radiographs, the sacral hiatus was inverted -U shape and in 14 % the sacral hiatus was inverted -V shape. Deficient dorsal wall of the sacrum was not observed in LBP negative radiographs. The apex of the sacral hiatus in LBP negative radiographs was observed the most at S4 level. Deficient dorsal wall was found in 3 % (1% in Partial and 2% in complete) patients presented with LBP positive. Absence of sacral hiatus, a rare phenomenon was observed in 2% of cases in LBP positive radiographs. The apex of the sacral hiatus in the LBP positive patients observed at the S3 level were 52 % and 34 % in S2 level respectively
Conclusion: The patients with LBP positive radiographs had a higher percentage of deficient dorsal walls in comparison to the LBP negative radiographs.
KEY WORDS: Sacral Hiatus, Deficient dorsal wall, Low Back Pain, Lumbo-Pelvic Radiographs.


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Ganesh Elumalai, Malarvani Thangamani, Sanjoy Sanyal, Palani Kanagarajan. DEFICIENT SACRAL HIATUS CAUSE MECHANICAL LOW BACK PAIN: A RADIOLOGICAL STUDY. Int J Anat Res 2016;4(1):1758-1764. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.326




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