International Journal of Anatomy and Research

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Type of Article: Original Research

Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | Page No. 1777-1780

Date of Publication: 31-01-2016



Samanwita Basak *1, Subhojit Mondal 2, Satabdi Sarkar 3, Sudipto Konar 4, Moulik Debnath 5, Manimay Bandopadhyay 6.

*1,2 Demonstrator, Department of Anatomy, Murshidabad Medical College, West Bengal, India.
3 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, Murshidabad Medical College, West Bengal, India.
4 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, Burdwan Medical College, West Bengal, India.
5 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, Murshidabad Medical College, West Bengal, India.
6 Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, Murshidabad Medical College, West Bengal, India.

Address: Dr. Samanwita Basak, MBBS, MD. Demonstrator, Department of Anatomy, Murshidabad Medical college, West Bengal, India. Pin-742101


Background: Degree of temporal bone pneumatization plays a very crucial role to assess the prognosis of different inflammatory middle ear diseases and the success of middle ear surgeries. There are debates regarding theories of the control of mastoid pneumatization. While the ‘Hereditary theory’ says that mastoid size is independent of status of mesotympanum the ‘Environmental theory’ supports the fact that the size of mastoid air cell system (MACS) is dependent on the degree of pathological involvement of middle ear mucosa in childhood.
Purpose: This study aims to establish the relationship between less pneumatic  mastoid in eastern Indian population with history of (h/o) childhood eustachian tube (ET) dysfunction and temporary unhealthy middle ear mucosa.
Materials and Method: 100 subjects(n=100) of more than 6 years age (irresepective  of sex) were selected who had no h/o past or present chronic or recurrent middle ear infection though subjects with one or two episodes of middle ear ailments in childhood were not excluded.   Then by routine ENT examinations it was confirmed that they were having clinically healthy middle ear. Afterwards their bilateral mastoid x-rays were taken and typing (pneumatic/ diploic/ sclerotic/asymmetric) was done.
Results and Discussion: From the obtained data it was found that 31.58% of cases with bilateral diploic mastoid; 80% of cases with bilateral sclerotic mastoid and 75% of cases with asymmetric mastoid provided the h/o infantile ET dysfunction. This significant association of childhood ET dysfunction with depressed pneumatization (bilateral / unilateral) supports the ‘environmental theory’. This study also estimated that individual with infantile ET dysfunction is 7 times more prone to develop non-pneumatic mastoid than an unexposed one. It emphasises on the importance of early diagnosis and prompt treatment of childhood ET dysfunction and also enlightens and encourages future research works in this regard.
KEY WORDS: Eustachian tube dysfunction, Mastoid air cell system, Mastoid pneumatization, Sclerotic mastoid.


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Samanwita Basak, Subhojit Mondal, Satabdi Sarkar, Sudipto Konar, Moulik Debnath, Manimay Bandopadhyay. ASSOCIATION OF EUSTACHIAN TUBE DYSFUNCTION IN CHILDHOOD WITH MASTOID PNEUMATIZATION. Int J Anat Res 2016;4(1):1777-1780. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.334




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