International Journal of Anatomy and Research

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Type of Article: Original Research

Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | Page No. 1864-1868

Date of Publication: 31-01-2016



Parimala Sirikonda *1, Hima Bindu Nalluri 2.

*1 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Bhaskar Medical College, Telangana, India.
2 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Bhaskar Medical College, Telangana, India.

Address: Dr. Parimala Sirikonda, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Bhaskar Medical College & Bhaskar General Hospital, Yenkapally, Moinabad (M), Ranga Reddy (District) 500 075, Telangana, India.


Objectives: To document the variations in the termination of brachial artery with its high up division into radial and ulnar arteries in the arm and to establish embryological and clinico-anatomical correlations of such variation.
Material and Methods: The findings were noted after thorough and meticulous dissection of the upper limbs of both sides (axilla, arm, cubital fossa and forearm) of 40 cadavers in the Department of Anatomy, Bhaskar medical college, India. Photographic documentation of the variation was also made.
Results: Variations were reported in 4 cadavers. An unusually short segment of brachial artery was noted in two cadavers. This short segment brachial artery bifurcated more proximally just 2cm below the lower border of teres major into radial and ulnar arteries. Of these two, in one cadaver radial artery was thin, laterally placed and superficial throughout its course. Ulnar artery was medial and accompanied the median nerve. In the other cadaver, radial artery was medial initially and then wound round the median nerve to run lateral to it. It was medial to the ulnar artery throughout the arm and crossed it to course laterally in the cubital fossa. Ulnar artery was thin compared to radial artery. In other two cadavers the brachial artery divided into radial and ulnar arteries in the lower 1/3 of the arm. Further course and distribution of these two arteries was normal.
Conclusion: The variation can be explained in the light of embryological development. In addition, knowledge of such variation is important for carrying out surgical procedures in the arm.
KEY WORDS: Brachial Artery, High Division, Bifurcation, Ulnar Artery, Radial Artery, Cubital Fossa.


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Parimala Sirikonda, Hima Bindu Nalluri. AN ANATOMICAL INSIGHT INTO HIGH DIVISION OF BRACHIAL ARTERY: A STUDY IN 40 CADAVERS. Int J Anat Res 2016;4(1):1864-1868. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.353




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