International Journal of Anatomy and Research

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Type of Article: Original Research

Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | Page No. 1882-1885

Date of Publication: 29-02-2016



Vijay Kumar Shinde *1, Siraj Ahmed Shirbadgi 2.

*1 Associate professor & HOD Department of Anatomy, GIMS, Gadag, Karnataka, India.
2 Associate professor, Department of Anatomy, BMC&H Chitradurga, Karnataka, India.

Address: Dr. Vijay Kumar Shinde, Associate professor & HOD Department of Anatomy, GIMS, Gadag, Karnataka, India. Mobile No.: +919481747200


Background and Aims: The name os sacrum is direct translation from Greek hieron osteon. The dorsal surface presents a sacral hiatus which is produced by the failure of laminae of the fourth or fifth sacral vertebra to meet in median plane, leaving an inverted U shaped or V shaped gap called sacral hiatus.
Materials and Methods: for the present study, dry unknown human sacra were obtained from North Karnataka. The level of apex of sacral hiatus was noted.
Results: Many variations in the level of apex were found. The apex of sacral hiatus extended between 2nd to 5th sacral vertebrae. The sacral hiatus exhibits many variations in level of apex and base of sacral hiatus.
Conclusion: In the present study, the rate of impossible caudal epidural anesthesia through sacral hiatus is 2% as the sacral hiatus was closed leading to absent hiatus, and needed to be considered before giving caudal anesthesia. The efficient and accurate caudal block depends upon the knowledge of degree and extent of variations in sacral hiatus especially in levels of apex & base.
Key words: Sacral Hiatus Morphometry, Variations In Sacral Hiatus, Caudal Epidural Anesthesia, Painless Deliveries.


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Vijay Kumar Shinde, Siraj Ahmed Shirbadgi. STUDY OF VARIATIONS IN LEVELS OF SACRAL HIATUS. Int J Anat Res 2016;4(1):1882-1885. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.102




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