International Journal of Anatomy and Research

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Type of Article: Original Research

Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | Page No. 1916-1918

Date of Publication: 29-02-2016



Raja Sekhar Katikireddi *1, Siva Nageswara Rao Sundara Setty 2.

*1 MD, Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, Bhaskar Medical college, Yenkapally (V), Moinabad mandal , Ranga Reddy District, Pin: 500075, Telangana, India.
*2 MD, professor, Department of Anatomy, Bhaskar Medical college, Yenkapally (V), Moinabad mandal , Ranga Reddy District, Pin: 500075,Telangana, India.

Address: Dr. Raja Sekhar Katikireddi, Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, Bhaskar Medical College, Yenkapally (V), Moinabad (Mandal), Ranga Reddy District, Pin: 500075 Telangana, India. Mobile: +919849953620


Aims and objectives: Accessory mental foramen is a rare anatomical variation in human mandibles. The incidence of accessory mental foramen depends on age, sex, Race, ethnicity, population. Its position, number and distance from usual mental foramen and the surrounding bony landmarks are highly variable. So the aim of this study is to find out morphology and morphometry of accessory mental foramen in Indian population.
Materials and Methods: Present study was under taken 100 samples of dried mandibles of UN known sex and age. The incidence of accessory mental foramen was recorded and distance from usual mental foramen to Accessory mental foramen was measured and recorded by Digital vernier caliper.
Results: the incidence of Accessory mental foramen was 2%, observed bilateral variation in 2 cases out of 100 samples.
Conclusion: The anatomical knowledge about existence of accessory mental foramen may be helpful to dental surgeons to avoid injury to neurovascular bundle.  The current study tried to given the incidence of bilateral presence of accessory mental foramen in Indian population.
KEY WORDS: Mandible, Mental foramen, Accessory mental foramen.


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Raja Sekhar Katikireddi, Siva Nageswara Rao Sundara Setty. INCIDENCE OF ACCESSORY MENTAL FORAMEN IN SOUTH INDIAN ADULT DRIED MANDIBLES. Int J Anat Res 2016;4(1):1916-1918. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.112




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