International Journal of Anatomy and Research

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Type of Article: Original Research

Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | Page No. 1981-1984

Date of Publication: 29-02-2016



Rekha B S *1, Divya Shanthi D’Sa 2.

*1 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India.
2 PG/ Tutor, Department of Anatomy, Department of Anatomy, Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India.

Address: Dr. Rekha B S, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India.


Objective: In this study one hundred dried intact human atlas vertebrae from Karnataka population were examined using direct anatomical measurements.
Materials and Methods: Various dimension of the atlas vertebrae were quantitatively measured using a vernier caliper that provides accurate resolution up to 0.01 mm. The results were analyzed statistically using SPSS 12 version
Results: The distance between the tips of transverse process of the atlas (atlas width TD), 72.45mm.Inner distance between medial margins of foramina transversaria, 43.88mm outer distance between the lateral margins of foramina transversaria 56.31mm..
Distance between the medial margin of the vertebral artery groove from the median plane [right -12.28 mm and left side- 11.54mm]. Distance between the lateral margin of the vertebral artery groove from the median plane [right side -22.80mm and left side- 22.87mm] and Thickness of the groove [right- 3.68mm and left side-3.70mm]
Outer anteroposterior( AP)diameter of vertebral foramen -42mm and  inner AP diameter of  vertebral foramen 28.51mm and  transverse diameter vertebral foramen   -27.39mm were noted. Superior articular facet AP diameter [right-22.33mmand left-22.25mm] Superior articular facet transverse diameter [right-8.74and left 9.57mm] Inferior articular facet AP diameter [right 18mm and left-17.81mm]  and inferior articular facet transverse diameter [right 14.83mm and left 14.49mm]. Height of the anterior arch -10.02mm and posterior arch -8.91mm was recorded
Conclusion: The quantitative anatomy of atlas may be helpful for neurosurgeons in avoiding and minimizing the complications such as vertebral artery injury, spinal cord injury and cranial nerve damage during the operation close to atlanto-occipital area.
Key words: Atlas, Morphometry, Vertebral artery groove.


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Rekha B S, Divya Shanthi D’Sa. MORPHOMETRIC ANATOMY OF THE ATLAS (C1) VERTEBRA AMONG KARNATAKA POPULATION IN INDIA. Int J Anat Res 2016;4(1):1981-1984. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.125




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