International Journal of Anatomy and Research

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Type of Article: Original Research

Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | Page No. 2002-2006

Date of Publication: 29-02-2016



Shikha Sharma *1, Chetna Thakur 2, Bhawani Shankar Modi 3, Tejendra Singh 4.

*1 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, FH Medical College, Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, FH Medical College, Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
3 Demonstrator, Department of Anatomy, FH Medical College, Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
4 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, FH Medical College, Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Address: Dr. Shikha Sharma, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, FH Medical College, Near Etmadpur, Railway Over Bridge Nh-2, Tundla Distt, Firozabad-283201, Uttar Pradesh, India.


Introduction: Foramen ovale and  Foramen spinosum are important foramina found on the greater wing of the sphenoid. An anatomical study was done to note the size and shape of the Foramen ovale and Foramen spinosum and presence of any bony deformity related to both these foramina.
Materials and Methods: We studied 45 human dried skulls of unknown age and sex and found different shapes of Foramen ovale with variation in size.
Result: We found divided Foramen ovale by a bony bar,confluent foramen spinosum and absent Foramen spinosum.we also noticed a small bony spicule projecting in Foramen ovale and Foramen spinosum. The maximum A-P diameter of F.O on the right side was 5mm to 9mm and 5mm to 8mm on the left side while the transverse diameter of F.S on both the side was 2mm to 4 mm.
Conclusion: These variations may be of clinical and anatomical significance to neurosurgeons and physician particularly in cases of trigeminal neuralgia and diagnostic detection of vascular tumors and aneurysm.
Key words: Foramen ovale, Foramen spinosum, Sphenoid, Trigeminal neuralgia, Skull.


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Shikha Sharma, Chetna Thakur, Bhawani Shankar Modi, Tejendra Singh. STUDY OF ANATOMIC VARIANT OF FORAMEN OVALE AND SPINOSUM IN DRIED HUMAN SKULLS. Int J Anat Res 2016;4(1):2002-2006. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.130




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