Type of Article: Original Research
Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 1 | Page No. 2134-2138
Date of Publication: 31-03-2016
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.163
Satish Kumar S *1, Suresh Kumar T 2.
*1 Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Government Thiruvannamalai Medical College,Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India.
2 Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Government Vellore Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Address: Dr. S. Satish Kumar M.D., Assistant Professor of Anatomy, Government Thiruvannamalai Medical College, Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India. Mobile No: +919677183832.
E-Mail: dr.sat82@gmail.com
Background: Styloid process is a slender pointed piece of bone projecting downwards from the inferior surface of temporal bone and gives attachment to muscles and ligaments.An elongated styloid process can compress the vital vessels and nerves close to it. The aim of the present study was to study the morphometric data of various parameters of styloid process and clinical importance of elongated styloid process.
Materials and Methods: 73 dry skull bones with intact styloid process in the Govt Thiruvannamalai Medical college and Govt Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical college , Salem. Length more than 30mm was considered as an elongated styloid process. All measurements such as length of the styloid process, interstyloid distance, thickness at base of styloid process, distance between styloid process and stylomastoid foramen were measured using digital vernier callipers in millimetres.
Results: We found average length of styloid process was 18.2mm and 16.8 mm on the right side and left side respectively. Average distance between two styloid processes at base was 72.0 mm and at tip it was 64.4 mm. Average thickness at the base of styloid process on the right side 4.34 mm and on left side 4.47mm.The average distance between styloid process and the stylomastoid foramen was 3.74mm on right side and 3.43mm on left side.
Conclusion: Anatomical knowledge of the styloid process and elongated styloid process is clinically important because of its close proximity to important neurovascular structures.Our study enlightens the importance of styloid process in patients with symptoms of Eagle’s Syndrome. These findings may be useful for phycisians,surgeons, radiologists, otorhinolaryngologists ,dentists and for anatomists as an academic interest.
Key words: Styloid process,Eagle syndrome,Elongated styloid process,Temporal bone.
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Satish Kumar S, Suresh Kumar T. MORPHOMETRIC STUDY OF STYLOID PROCESS OF THE TEMPORAL BONE AND ITS CLINICAL IMPORTANCE. Int J Anat Res 2016;4(1):2134-2138. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.163