International Journal of Anatomy and Research

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Type of Article: Original Research

Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 2 | Page No. 2423-2428

Date of Publication: 30-06-2016



Nisha D. Parmar *1, Deepa S. Gupta 2.

1 2ndYear Resident, Anatomy Department, Surat Municipal Institute Of Medical Education & Research Centre, Surat, Gujarat, India.

2 Professor & Head, Anatomy Department, Surat Municipal Institute Of Medical Education & Research Centre, Surat, Gujarat, India.

Address: Dr. Nisha D. Parmar, ‘A’ Block, Second Floor, Anatomy Department, SMIMER, Near Sahara Darwaja, Surat- 395010, Gujarat, India. Mobile No.: +919909150345


Introduction: Rectus Sternalis muscle is an uncommon anatomical variant located over the human anterior pectoral wall, superficial to the Pectoralis major. Rectus Sternalis is highly variable in appearance about width, breadth and length. Its simulated appearance as breast mass on mammography demand acquaintance of its incidence and various configurations amongst radiologist and clinician for correct diagnosis and better postoperative management of breast cancer patient in its presence. Till now Rectus Sternalis is mainly described as case report and there are no study documented showing incidence and morphological features of Rectus sternalis in South Gujarat Region.
Materials and Methods: The study was carried out in 40 properly embalmed cadavers of Indian origin in Anatomy Department, SMIMER, Gujarat. Dissections of pectoral regions of these 40 cadavers were performed, to know the presence of Rectus Sternalis muscle and its morphology was noted.
Result: Out of 40 dissected cadavers, we found presence of Rectus Sternalis muscles in 2 cases. The muscles were parasternal and superficial to pectoralis major muscle on anterior wall of chest. It was unilateral in one case while bilateral and continuous with Sternocleidomastoid in another cadaver.
Conclusion: Current study has determined an incidence of the Rectus Sternalis muscle to be 5% and supported its origin from Sternocleidomastoid muscle. Findings of this study will add knowledge to south Gujarat radiologist about variable appearance of rectus sternalis and help in better interpretion of great number of mammography done every year. It will help clinician dealing pectoral region for interventional and diagnostic procedures in avoiding surgical complications and to decide better postoperative radiotherapy and reconstructive surgery management in breast cancer patient.
Key Words: Rectus Sternalis Muscle, Pectoralis Major Muscle, Cadaver.


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Nisha D. Parmar, Deepa S. Gupta. A STUDY OF MORPHOLOGICAL VARIATION OF PECTORAL REGION MUSCLE ‘RECTUS STERNALIS’ IN SOUTH GUJARAT REGION. Int J Anat Res 2016;4(2):2423-2428. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.226




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