Type of Article: Case Report
Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 2 | Page No. 2498-2501
Date of Publication: 30-06-2016
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.252
Suma H Y *1, Ariyanachi K 2, Anitha Nancy T 3.
1 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, JIPMER Academic Centre, JIPMER, Dhanvantrinagar, Puducherry, India.
2 Junior Resident, Department of Anatomy, JIPMER Academic Centre, JIPMER, Dhanvantrinagar, Puducherry, India.
3 Assisstant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry, India.
Address: Dr. Suma H Y, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, JIPMER Academic Centre, JIPMER, Dhanvantrinagar, Puducherry-605006, India.
E-Mail: suma1478@gmail.com
Variants in brachial plexus and its branches are significant in everyday clinical practice. During student dissection, we came across multiple variations of lateral cord, and its branches on the left arm of a male embalmed cadaver. The lateral cord was found to pierce coracobrachialis which divided into lateral root of median nerve and musculocutaneous. There was a presence of third head of biceps brachii and also communication between median and musculocutaneous nerves. This knowledge with regard to multiple variations is important in nerve blocks, compression syndromes in the axilla and arm as well as flap surgeries. Hence the present case is being reported.
Key Words: Lateral Cord, Third Head Of Biceps, Lateral Root Of Median Nerve, Musculocutaneous Nerve.
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Suma H Y, Ariyanachi K, Anitha Nancy T. MULTIPLE VARIATIONS OF LATERAL CORD OF BRACHIAL PLEXUS AND ITS BRANCHES IN THE ARM. Int J Anat Res 2016;4(2):2498-2501. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.252