International Journal of Anatomy and Research

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Type of Article: Original Research

Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 3 | Page No. 2833-2837

Date of Publication: 30-09-2016



Rajeshwari Kanwar *1, A V Lakhanpal, 2, SK Shrivastava 3.

*1 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Department of Anatomy,NSCB Medical College & Hospital, Jabalpur, (M.P.) India.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Department of Anatomy, NSCB Medical College & Hospital, Jabalpur, (M.P.) India.

3 Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, Department of Anatomy, NSCB Medical College & Hospital, Jabalpur, (M.P.) India.

Address: Dr. Rajeshwari Kanwar, 726/A, Sanjivni Nagar, Durga Colony, Jabalpur – 482003 (M.P.) INDIA Mobile : +91 8718863966


Introduction: A close relationship between stature and dimensions of various body segments is of value in medico-legal investigation as well as in anthropology. Foot length and foot breadth were used by some authors to estimate height in people belonging to different endogamous groups. There is lack of availability of such data in an around the Mahakaushal region.   
Objectives: This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between height and foot dimensions among a group of males and females in Mahakaushal region and to derive regression formulae between foot length and height and between foot breadth and height of individual.                       
Materials and Methods:  A cross sectional study was carried out on 342 subjects (170 male and 172 female) in the Mahakaushal region.  Stature was measured by a “Standard height measuring instrument”. The left foot was taken for the measurement. of foot length and foot breadth with the help of a sliding caliper.
Result: The highest correlation coefficient between foot length and stature was present in males as well as in females. It indicates that foot length provides highest reliability and accuracy in estimating stature of unknown males and females. Prediction of stature was found to be most accurate by linear regression analysis.
Conclusion: Simple regression equation derived from this study can be used to estimate height of an individual of Mahakaushal region.  
Key Words: Stature, Foot length, Foot breadth. 


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Rajeshwari Kanwar, A V Lakhanpal, SK Shrivastava. ESTIMATION OF HEIGHT FROM FOOT DIMENSIONS. Int J Anat Res 2016;4(3):2833-2837. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.349




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