Type of Article : Original Research
Year: 2015 | Volume 3 | Issue 2 | Page No. 947-954
Date of Publication: 11-04-2015
DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2015.112
Vandana J Rathod *1, Vyoma Shah 2, Jagatheesan Alagesan 3, Poongundran Paranthaman 4, Soundararajan P 5.
*1 Lecturer, SPB Physiotherapy College, Surat, India.
2 Chief Physiotherapist, Physioworld, Ahmedabad, India.
3 Professor, Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, Chennai, India.
4 Principal, Sigma Institute of Physiotherapy, Vadodara, India.
5 Professor in Paediatrics, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry, India.
E-Mail: vannu6686@gmail.com
Introduction: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. Cognitive behavior therapy is effective in children with ADHD. But data are lacking to prove efficacy of sensory integration therapy in treating the children with ADHD.
Method: This multi-center experimental study was done at three physiotherapy colleges in India. 60 patients with ADHD are included in the study. They are randomly assigned into three different groups. Group A: 20 (subjects receiving sensory integration therapy), group B: 20 (subjects receiving cognitive behavior therapy) and group C: 20 (subjects receiving sensory integration therapy and cognitive behavior therapy). The outcome measure used is Conner’s Teacher Rating Scale before and after six months of intervention.
Result: There was a significant decrease in scores of Conner’s Teacher Rating Scale (p<0.001) in children with ADHD who received sensory integration therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy alone and combined therapies of Sensory Integration Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
Conclusion: Combined therapies of Sensory Integration Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy are effective in reducing symptoms of ADHD as assed by Conner’s Teacher Rating Scale.
KEY WORDS: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Sensory Integration Therapy.
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Vandana J Rathod, Vyoma Shah, Jagatheesan Alagesan, Poongundran Paranthaman, Soundararajan P. EFFECT OF SENSORY INTEGRATION THERAPY AND COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY ON ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER: SINGLE BLINDED STUDY. Int J Physiother Res 2015;3(2):947-954. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2015.112