Type of Article : Original Research
Year: 2015 | Volume 3 | Issue 3 | Page No. 1048-1052
Date of Publication: 11-06-2015
DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2015.135
Verma Chhaya 1, Vijaya Krishnan *2.
1 Professor (Musculoskeletal Sciences), School of Physiotherapy, Seth GS Medical College & KEM hospital, Parel, Mumbai, India.
*2 2Post Graduate student of Physical Therapy (Musculoskeletal Sciences), Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College & Lokmaya Tilak Municipal General Hospital (LTMMC & LTMGH), Sion, Mumbai, India.
E-Mail: editor_physiotherapy@hotmail.com
Background: A job is a piece of work done as a part of the routine of one’s occupation for an agreed price. Every occupation is associated with one or more ill effects on the health of the worker. Musculoskeletal morbidity is the commonest cause for occupational health problems & accounts for large number of workers’ compensation days & disabilities.
Aim: To conduct a survey on prevalence of musculoskeletal pain & dysfunction in class 4 female hospital employees
Materials & Methodology: Settings & Design: Interview based randomized cross sectional survey.
80 female class 4 employees working at the Lokmanya Tilak municipal medical college & general hospital (LTMMC & LTMGH) participated in the study. Based on work pattern, a semi-structured questionnaire was prepared and validated. An informed consent was obtained before the interview. The data thus collected over a period of 3 months was analyzed to determine the prevalence & intensity of musculoskeletal dysfunction, pain & its influence on daily activity. Data was spread in Microsoft Excel 2010 & statistically analyzed using percentages.
Results & Conclusion: This study shows that considerable musculoskeletal pain & dysfunction was observed among the women sweepers & aayabai. The back & the knee appear to be affected more than rest of the joints mainly attributed to the combined effect of occupational & psychological stress.
KEYWORDS: Pain, Ergonomics, Class 4 employees, Psychosomatic stress, Tertiary hospitals.
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Verma Chhaya, Vijaya Krishnan. MUSCULOSKELETAL MORBIDITIES IN CLASS 4 WOMEN EMPLOYEES OF A TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL: A CROSS-SECTIONAL SURVEY. Int J Physiother Res 2015;3(3):1048-1052. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2015.135