Type of Article : Original Research
Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 2 | Page No. 1436-1443
Date of Publication: 11-04-2016
DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2016.113
Karthikeyan Rajendran *, Ilayaraja Alagia Thiruvevenkadam, Arunkumar Nedunchezhiyan.
* Senior lecturer, Department of Physiotherapy, Asia Metropolitan University, Cheras, Selangor, Malaysia.
E-Mail: keyan7cn@gmail.com
Objective: This study was design to determine the either the static stretching or Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching technique have the greater effect on improving hamstring muscle flexibility and maintaining the gain flexibility after a one time stretching on sedentary living college student’s population.
Materials and Methods: After the university research ethical committee have given the approval for the study those who fulfilled the selection criteria were invited to participate in this experimental study. This study design was Quasi experimental study where the 2 groups (Group A: Static stretching, n=15 and Group B; PNF stretching, n=15) of sedentary living subjects underwent one-time stretching. This study was conducted at Asia Metropolitan University, Cheras, Selangor, Malaysia. Hamstring tightness was determined as knee extension deficit (KED) using the active knee extension test (AKET) for pre-test and post-test using universal goniometer. Inclusion criteria were active knee extension test (AKET) of 20 degree and above, right side hamstring tightness, both sex and age group between 18-25 years. They did not have any history of neurological abnormality, and previous injuries or disorders of the lower back or lower extremities.
Results: Paired ‘t’ test of stretching group shows that there was a significant improvement in the hamstring flexibility after 1 time static stretching for right leg among sedentary lifestyle college students. Here, the t-value of 3 post-test measurement; t-value of 1st minute = -8.814 (p<0.05), t-value of 15th minute = -2.884 (p<0.05) and t-value of 30th minute = -2.609 (p<0.05). Paired ‘t’ test of stretching group shows that there was significant improvement in the hamstring flexibility after 1 time PNF stretching for right leg among sedentary lifestyle college students. The t-value of 3 post-test measurement; t-value of 1st minute = -10.252 (p<0.05), t-value of 15th minute = -7.939 (p<0.05) and t-value of 30th minute = -4.837 (p<0.05). Independent ‘t’ test was used to compare between groups the result shows there was no significant difference in hamstring muscle flexibility when compared between Static Stretching and PNF Stretching of 3 post-test measurements. The significant of ‘t’ value of 1st minute = 0.144 (p>0.05), 15th minute = 0.649 (p>0.05), and 30th minute = 0.319 (p>0.05)
Conclusion: This study concluded that static and PNF stretching significantly effective in improving hamstring muscle range of motion when compared from pre-test with 1st minute post-test. However, the gained hamstring flexibility does not sustain longer on 15th minute and 30th minute measurement it gradually reduces when compared with post-test 1st minute. There was no significant effect between both the stretches by one-time stretching session.
Key Words: Static stretching, hold and relax, hamstring flexibility, active knee extension test, knee range of motion.
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Karthikeyan Rajendran, Ilayaraja Alagia Thiruvevenkadam, Arunkumar Nedunchezhiyan. STATIC STRETCHING VS HOLD RELAX (PNF) ON SUSTAINABILITY OF HAMSTRING FLEXIBILITY IN SEDENTARY LIVING COLLEGE STUDENTS. Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(2):1436-1443. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2016.113