Type of Article : Original Research
Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 2 | Page No. 1444-1450
Date of Publication: 11-04-2016
DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2016.115
S. Felix Renald 1, J. Raja Regan *2.
1 Physiotherapist, Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Kan’baa Aisaarani Higun, Male’, 20402, Republic of Maldives.
*2 Assistant Professor, PSG College of Physiotherapy, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Background: Stroke is a global health problem. It is the second commonest cause of death and fourth leading cause of disability worldwide. Along with hemiplegic limb muscles, trunk muscles are also impaired multidirectional in stroke patients. Trunk control is important for functional outcome and also an early predictor for activities of daily living after stroke. Treatment focusing on this aspect in stroke patients is needed. Since sufficient literatures are not available in comparing the effect of trunk exercises on bed and Swiss ball in trunk control among hemi paretic patients, there is a need for incorporating it in this study.
Objectives: To compare the efficacy of trunk exercises performed on Swiss ball versus bed in trunk control among hemi paretic patients.
Materials and Methods: Study was conducted as a Quasi Experimental Design – Pretest and Posttest Designs with Two Comparison Treatments. at Department of Physiotherapy, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. A total of 16 stroke patients in the age group of 45 to 60 years participated in the study. The participants who satisfied the selection criteria were selected by convenience sampling and randomly assigned into two groups. Group A received trunk exercises on Swiss ball and Group B received trunk exercises on bed for 12 days [6 sessions per week for 2 weeks (45minutes/session)]. Outcomes were measured with Trunk Impairment Scale score and Motor Assessment Scale score.
Results: All participants in group A and group B showed significant improvement in TIS scores with a mean difference of 6.5 and 4.38 respectively. The calculated ‘t’ value using the paired test for group A and B were 9.96 and 8.21(P<0.001) respectively. In MAS scores group A and group B showed significant improvement with a mean difference of 2.12 and 1.25 respectively. The calculated ‘t’ value using the paired test for group A and B were 9.34 and 7.83(P<0.001) respectively. When comparing between the groups using independent ‘t’ test, the TIS scores showed mean difference of 2.12 and ‘t’ value of 2.56 (P<0.005) and MAS scores showed mean difference of 0.87 and ‘t’ value of 3.22(P<0.05).
Conclusion: This study revealed that there was significant improvement in trunk control following trunk exercises on Swiss ball than on bed among hemi paretic patients.
KEY WORDS: Swiss Ball, Hemi Paretic, Trunk Control, Trunk Exercises, Functional Outcome, Trunk Impairment, Bed Exercises.
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S. Felix Renald, J. Raja Regan. EFFICACY OF TRUNK EXERCISES ON SWISS BALL VERSUS BED IN IMPROVING TRUNK CONTROL IN HEMIPARETIC PATIENTS. Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(2):1444-1450. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2016.115