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How   to   cite   this   Article:    Hamada   El-Sayed   Abd-Allah   Ayoub.   FORWARD   VERSUS   BACKWARD   BODY   WEIGHT   SUPPORTED   TREADMILL TRAINING     ON     STEP     SYMMETRY     IN     CHILDREN     WITH     SPASTIC     DIPLEGIA.      Int     J     Physiother     Res     2016;4(5):1639-1645.     DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2016.150.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2016.150 Page No.:  1639-1645
FORWARD    VERSUS    BACKWARD    BODY    WEIGHT    SUPPORTED    TREADMILL    TRAINING    ON    STEP    SYMMETRY    IN CHILDREN WITH SPASTIC DIPLEGIA Hamada El-Sayed Abd-Allah Ayoub Department of Physical Therapy for Growth and Developmental Disorder in Children and Its Surgery Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt. Address:   Hamada   El-Sayed   Abd-Allah   Ayoub,   Department   of   Physical   Therapy   for   Growth   and   Developmental   Disorder   in   Children   and   Its   Surgery   Faculty   of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt. Phone: +201220313532   E-Mail:  dr.hamada.ayob@gmail.com,  hamada.ayob@pt.cu.edu.eg ABSTRACT Background :   The   development   of   an   independent   and   efficient   walking   is   one   of   the   major   targets   for   children   with   cerebral   palsy especially those with spastic diplegia. Objective :   To   compare   the   efficacy   of   forward   versus   backward   body   weight   supported   treadmill   training   in   addition   to   regular   exercise program on step symmetry in children with spastic diplegia. Materials   and   Methods :   Twenty   children   with   spastic   diplegia   from   both   sexes   participated   in   this   study,   they   were   classified   into   two groups   of   equal   number;   the   first   study   group   (A)   received   partial   body   weight   supported   backward   treadmill   training   in   addition   to regular   exercise   program,   while   the   second   study   group   (B)   received   partial   body   weight   supported   forward   treadmill   training   in   addition to   regular   exercise   program.   Gait   pattern   was   assessed   using   the   Biodex   Gait   Trainer   II   for   both   groups   before   and   after   three   months   of the treatment program. Results :   The   results   of   this   study   revealed   statistically   significant   improvement   (P<0.05)   in   the   measured   variable   for   both   groups   with   no differences between groups. Conclusion :   These   findings   suggested   that   partial   body   weight   supported   treadmill   training   can   be   used   during   forward   and   backward   gait training   while   it's   better   to   be   used   with   backward   gait   training   as   an   additional   therapeutic   modality   to   improve   step   symmetry   and functional abilities of diplegic children.  KEY WORDS : Body Weight Support, Treadmill, step symmetry, Diplegia. References 1 . Damiano   D.L.,   Darrah   J,   Piper   M   and   Watt   MJ.   Assessment   of   gross   motor   skills   of   at-risk   infants:   predictive   validity   of   the   Alberta   Infant   Motor   Scale. Dev Med Child Neurol, 2011. 2 . Ashwal S., Russman B.S. and Blasco P.A. 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International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research ISSN (O): 2321-1822  ISSN (P): 2321-8975 Volume 4 |Issue 5 |  2016 Date of Publication:  11 October 2016 http://ijmhr.org/ijpr.html editor_physiotherapy@hotmail.com HOME ABOUT US EDITORIAL BOARD AUTHOR GUIDELINES SPECIAL SERVICES CONTACT US