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How   to   cite   this   Article:    Pavan   K   Talupuru,   Sivachidambaram   Kulandaivelan,   Haripriya   U,   Varun   Singh.   EFFECT   OF   BMI   ON   HAND   GRIP STRENGTH IN ELITE CRICKET PLAYERS.  Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(5):1696-1700. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2016.167.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2016.167 Page No.:  1696-1700
EFFECT OF BMI ON HAND GRIP STRENGTH IN ELITE CRICKET PLAYERS Pavan K Talupuru 1 , Sivachidambaram Kulandaivelan * 2 , Haripriya U 3 , Varun Singh 2 . 1 Chief Clinical Therapist, UP Cricket Team, UPCA, Kanpur, UP, India. *2 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physiotherapy, GJUST, Hisar, Haryana. India. 3 Post Graduate Student, Dept. of Pharmacology, SV Medical College, Tirupathi, AP, India Corresponding   Author:    Kulandaivelan   S,   MSPT,   PhD,   Assistant   Professor,   Dept.   of   Physiotherapy,   GJUST,   Hisar-125001.   Haryana.   India. Mobile: 09996003995. E-Mail:  tryhard2024@yahoo.co.in ABSTRACT Background:    Cricket   is   most   popular   team   sport   in   Indian   subcontinent.   Hand-grip   strength   (HGS)   plays   a   vital   part   in   all   roles   of   cricket which may be affected by BMI. Objective:  To find-out the effect of BMI on HGS in Indian professional cricket players. Materials   and   Methods:    Study-design:   Experimental   study;   different   subject   design.   Sampling   technique:   Convenient   sampling   Sample size:   322   male   cricket   players   aged   between   13   and   38   years.   Independent   variable:   BMI   group   (Below   19,   20-22,   23-25,   26-32)   Dependent variable:   HGS   in   3   different   position   for   both   right   and   left   side.   Instrument   used:   Jamar   hand-held   electronic   hand-grip   dynamometer. Statistics: Mean, standard deviation (SD) as descriptive and one-way ANNOVA with LSD post-hoc analysis as inferential statistics. Results:    Below   19   BMI   group   showed   significantly   lower   HGS   than   other   three   BMI   groups.   20-23   BMI   group   significantly   lower   than   23-25 and 26-32 BMI groups. 23-25 group HGS values are lower than 26-32 group without statistical significance. Conclusion:    HGS   improve   as   BMI   rise   in   professional   cricket   players   which   may   be   explained   by   low   fat   and   high   muscle   mass   due   to   high intensity training in this group. KEY WORDS: HGS, Jamar dynamometer, BMI, Team sport, Muscle fat ratio. References 1 . Sathya   P,   Kadhiravan   V,   Ramakrishnan   KS,   Vedak   TM.   Correlation   between   Hand   Grip   Strength   and   Shoulder   Power   in   Cricket   Players.   International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 2016;5(3):348-52. 2 . Koley   S,   Chawla   JK,   Sandhu   JS.   Hand   grip   strength:   An   assessment   criteria   of   upper   extremity   musculoskeletal   disorders   in   Indian   collegiate   computer users. Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 2010;2(5):198-204. 3 . Kumar   TP,   Kulandaivelan   S,   Yadav   A,   Vasu   P.   Test-retest   reliability   and   consistency   of   electronic   Jammar   hand-grip   dynamometer   in   Cricket   players. 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International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research ISSN (O): 2321-1822  ISSN (P): 2321-8975 Volume 4 |Issue 5 |  2016 Date of Publication:  11 October 2016 http://ijmhr.org/ijpr.html editor_physiotherapy@hotmail.com HOME ABOUT US EDITORIAL BOARD AUTHOR GUIDELINES SPECIAL SERVICES CONTACT US